advice please! best squad early in the game


Dear Fellow players-

It seems there is quite a bit of disagreement as to the composition of the best squad. From the guides I have seen, there also seems to be a bit of a bias towards getting the best people early and developing them up through the game.

So I would like your advice-

(1) What do you think is the best composition of a squad? I am going into Mission 3 and my group is composed of:

(a) me (small arms, energy weapons and sneak) who plays a recon/sniper/closs quarters (sq) roll;
(b) Stitch- who plays mostly a medic/barter roll with a small arms support (mostly the shotgun).
(c) Ice - designated sniper/sneaker
(d) Rage- mostly a sneaker but also a sniper
(e) Brian- grunt- future gunner, shooter
(f) Trevor- grunt/grenadier.

Should I dump this group or replace some of the members?

I know some folks say get rid of Stitch who sucks as a fighter- but I like his doctor skills. A lot of people stick with Farsight, but it seems Ice has the better roles (except perception). I have seen people prefer Mandy and Rebecca as well?

(2) What about perks for NPCs. Should these characters all get the gifted perk? I know someone should have awareness, but what about the other rolls.

your advice appreciated!
I just finished the game with me, rage and farsight. Don't play with as many as possible, your xp will be split up, and you will not go level up as fast as with less players. (i'm starting back over with 2 players) All three of us are snipers with perception 8, and my perks are like fast shot, action boy and gain perception and blabla... level 26 all three of us, so 8 x 3 = 24 perks. Wander a lot in the wastelands with two players and you could probably get like 9 or 10 perks. Train one with lockpick&steal, one for repair%science, one doctor&first aid, and all small guns and energy weapons. I like to start myself with fast shot & gifted.
here's my last team:
1)demo (thats me!)small guns, outdoorsman, traps. (10 on strength because of power armor, 10 on endurance, 10 agility). hes very olin hk caws shotgun, and some other good small guns class stuff.
2)rebecca -instead of rebecca. very good on lockpicks. very important skills really. also good on first can progress her in a 1st class critical hit sniper.
3)vector 2nd sniper, excells in stealth as well. 2 snipers?answer= crossfire with snipers.... heheheh
4)stich-great in many skills like repair, doctor and science.(give him 10 on intell.)i gave him energy weapon(think it was the emp prorotype cannon)
4)PIPboy pf course! 2nd assaulter! excells in guns and shit, like rocket launchers, 0.50 machine gun and energy pulse cannon.

remember, it is very important to have only what you need in your team and dont change players every mission.u lose xps this way.

thats a middle time team :)
Early in the game I like a squad with very quick reflexes and strength. If you have a squad of six people with bats, they can take out small groups of enemies very quickly.

Other times I have a combination of snipers and grunts. The snipers provide cover fire and the grunts move in quickly with machine guns to take out difficult enemies.