Age of Decadence Maadoran Palace


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
As you may know, the Let's Play thread has come to an end, so we were open for any new info about AoD that may come our way. And here it is:<blockquote>Vince asked me to post something to keep discussions going, so here is the Maadoran palace. Maadoran was one of the largest pre-war cities and its palace was an architectural and technological marvel. Four towers surrounding the palace were ready to generate shields, protecting the palace from arcane attacks. Eventually the towers were disabled, but the palace survived.

House Aurelian claimed Maadoran after the war and took over the palace and its famous library containing thousands of scrolls from all known lands.</blockquote><center></center>
Link: Location: Maadoran Palace @ AoD Forums