Age of Empires IV


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

Age of Empires 4 released yesterday. I'm a little bit tempted since I really like RTS. However I'm still not finished with the recent AoE3: DE so I might wait a while.

Anyone playing?

I have found this youtube channel by AussieDrongo to be really good when it comes to AoE3&4. It's worth checking out.

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You should try it. It's already better than Age of Empires 3, has far varied units and interesting quirks for each civilization than Age of Empires 2. Also has battlefield mechanic that looks awfully similiar to Stronghold Crusader 2, each units have perks that make them excell to counter units they are strong against. Knights got that extra charge and i guess trample damage from AoE3 cuirassier. Pikemen have that brace ability and spearwall like in SC2, to better resist cavalry attack. Pavise crossbowmen have steady rate of fire and ranged attack, while have tremendous staying power against enemy ranged attack so it's much better counter against something like Mongols horse archers. Camels have lot of staying power too albeit also having debuff aura against horse cavalry units.

Graphic wise its a bit mixed, some would say it's a bit cartoony downgrade after taste like Civilization 5 to 6, with some units being disproportionately bad. Although you have very Age of Empires 3 looking gunpowder units and the physics.

Oh forgot to mention, normal units can't attack stone walls and fortification now. You need actual siege weapons. That's gonna change the gameplay drastically i am pretty sure.
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