Age of Pirates

Is it just a coincidence that the site is swarming with ads for Sid Meier's Pirates!, which I think will still be far superior to this apparently barren game. I mean look at it, where's the atmosphere?
and you say there was atmosphere in Sid Meier's game?


fun yes, atmosphere zero.
The only "black market" in the game is a slave-trading. But we are not sure if this feature will be included in some releases (especially in the US version).

I'm pretty sure that was a pun.
Those Akella boys are a riot and constantly making jokes. Most of it gets missed in the English translations, but every so often it slips through.

Anyways, I was very eager for Sea Dogs 2, then it was canned in favor of PotC (Which sucked) Then, they called this game Corsairs 2, and I had played the first Corsairs game (it wasn't that good or bad).
What they have described now, though, is reminding me more of the game Cutthroats. Now that was an open ended game! You could conquer any city if you wanted by defeating its garrison and making one of your officers the governor. Or you could just keep it very weak and revisit it every few months to take everything they owned. Very open ended, you could take mission from Governors and things like that, but there really was no over arching story you had to keep track of. Just the position of the Spanish Treasure fleet and the price of Rum in Tortuga.

Anyways, I am looking forward to this one, although I'm sure it will be buggy as hell. (Akella tradition)
Nice. The original was awesome back in the day, but it was a mofo to beat
this game pretty much blows imo. i'm a big fan of the "Pirates!" games, but just like all the recent pirate oriented games, this fails to have the simple (yet subtle) and enjoyable gameplay the originals used to have. this seems to be another case of "zomg! 3D! now no one will notice the game actually sucks donkeydick". (in fact not even that, since the game only offers two low resolutions & no higher stuff. 800x600 & 1024x768 only kids! oh, and you can only use alt-tab if you use windowed mode. if not, you'll simply crash it.)

combat (both naval & melee) is pretty forced and sluggish, quests are hollow & repetitive, the voice overs are often out of place, the cinematics blow, the independence flag is all wrong and the names & characters suck (especially the chick who was added for the sole purpose of "OMFG! boobies!").


a more personal problem was that you cant rebind the keys for when you're sailing on the open seas (for all other purposes the game has FOUR different key profiles, but not for open see), forcing me to use very ackward keys thanks to my azerty.