Ahh the feeling of Fallout returns

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Well here in the east coats we have been having some Late October weather. Now when it starts to get cold in the air it reminds me of the nolstalgia of Fallout, the great gameplay of Fallout, and it just reminds me of Fallout. See I played Fallout in the winter and it became my favorite game ever, not because of the entertainment value (It was high though) but becasue of the way it made me think. Fallout made me reconsider life and see it through the eyes of one who's world has been smashed by folly, It made me think what life would be like what the Pyschological impacts of that enviorment would be, would ethics and morals survive? how bout our curiousity? what about philsophy, or our never ending need to question? See, Fallout posed these questions to me and challenged me to answer them, these questions are dear to me b/c they examine deeply the human mind, Fallout raised questions in my mind whose answer penetrate deeply in the human mind and human condition. Fallout posed to me Pychological and Philosophical questions about humans. These questions are the reason I love Fallout. So now when certain things happen that happened when I play Fallout they remind me of the game, such as Cold weather (I played both FO1 and 2 during the Winter) and certain songs (we all know this from my Fallout songs posts). Some people may say that I have played too much Fallout but I know this is not true. I am a moderate player I do not play too many hours a day or even every day, so I don't think I have played too much Fallout. No other computer game has raised such thoughts as these, that is why I belive that Fallout is more than a game for entertainment, It is a game that poses question about humanity and about ourselves. That is why Fallout is dear to me.

<end transmission>
Damn right! Preach on, bro!
Btw, did you see The Day After and/or Atomic Cafe?
Yes I did see Atomic Cafe, but IMO the greatist Fallout movie is Dr. Strangelove, such a great movie.

I have more to add to my previous diolouge. Another thing that makes Fallout such a special game is that it involves a scenario that inpacted our countires social consiousness for nearly 50 year, Nuclear War. Since the USSR dropped their First A-Bomb until they broke up, the threat of Nuclear War as loomed over our heads, It impacted society deeply (just watch Atomic Cafe) and changed the World forever, even today the Threat of Nuclear War looms over our head. Fallout, as we all know, take place in a post-nuclear war future, this future is what many thought was the future for our country during the Cold War. Fallout, IMO, acurattly represents what might happen after a Nuclear war, Lawlessness, radiation, pitiful surviovors, the strengh of humanity, to name a few. Fallout is special because of its realism, its realism is in its unrealism. We always think that a nuclear war is and unthinkable thing and that a future like Fallout is unrealistisc, this is untrue. A future like Fallout, is very real, even today. Fallout examins that future, and includes all its elements. In short Fallout realistically examens the unrealistic, and that is one of the few major things that make it special.
I have exactly the same feeling,although i have played FO1 once and didnt search the details but i played (and finished) FO2 `bout 5 times so i dont think there are many new thing to me in that

Wyco The Hun.
Porn To Be wild & (F)Oszd meg es Uralkodj !!