AK rifle


First time out of the vault

what program did you use?(as I doubt you used mspaint)
looks really nice by the way :)

care to make one of the 10mm too?
It's basically correct with some artistic license. Your second magazine is empty though (and stacking them like that is a BAD idea). Good drawing. - Colt
Thanks for the input! Especially on the mag, I haven't thought about that.

I used Photoshop 7. Sorry, I'm not particulary interested in doing 10mm pistol.

"Basically correct" is an understatement. I used reference photos for AK74SU. The gas port, the barrel, and to some degree the muzzle break were copied from some Krebbs knock-off, but they look too bland, and I'll probably use the original parts for AK-10X carbine (if I can find good photos).