Alcohol and brain cells

Lost Metal

Olde Skull
I recently read this study that concluded that ALCOHOL DOES NOT KILL BRAIN CELLS!!!

Isn't this "the" great find in the history of science? This trumps anything Einstein ever did IMHO!

Can someone find the study for me? I read it when I was really baked and can't remember where it was...
I've heard similar things about alcohol, just like all the countless "studies" that are cited to "prove" that pot doesn't fuck with your head.

I stopped believing all that shit when I got into junior high and encountered stoners for the first time.

Seriously, I live in Fairbanks, Alaska. The native population (native as in Eskimo) pretty much proves that yes, Alcohol does have seriously debilitating, life-long effects.

Why this is so escapes me and my simple grasp of brain physiology. I don't really don't need to know why fire burns to keep from lighting myself on fire, though.
This study was based off of folks in Italy consuming roughly one bottle of wine a day. I do believe that over consumption of ANY material will cause damage to the body. I think its safe to say those that consume a glass of wine or a beer every day or every other day for that matter are NOT becoming more ignorant or limiting their potential.

Edit: I've found the most recent story. Keeping in mind there are quite a few others that have surfaced over the years.,23599,22046556-2,00.html
once, cigarettes where good for you. Don't believe everything you hear/read. What do you think? In the end it all comes down to what you decide to do.
Even relatively small amounts of drugs can have serious consequences for young people, possibly even permanent damage. Even moderate consumption can present considerable risk.

Many of the effects aren't 'proven' either way, but I wouldn't take the chance.

I would like more info on this paper if you want me to look for it. You can yourself. Try and

There is a short story on teenage binge drinking behaviour later this week on Australian TV.

Catalyst said:
ABC TV Thursday, August 9 - 8:00pm
Teen Alcohol
Should we be rethinking underage drinking?

That’s the question experts around Australia are asking as new evidence mounts of the long term damage to vulnerable brains and lives.

In this must see episode of Catalyst, we take you through the latest research on alcohol’s impact on the still developing adolescent brain, the alarming trends in underage alcohol consumption, and new evidence of a link between the age you starting drinking and later alcohol dependence.

The results will lead you to a confronting question – have parents, inadvertently, been making things much worse?

Australia’s culture of heavy drinking is often made light of, but it comes at a heavy cost.
There are two things that will bring a man down: Drugs and Women.
As long as you don't let either control your life, you'll be fine.

Alcohol, especially when not used in moderation, will fuck your brain up. There's only one thing I need to prove this: Alcoholics.
what does it matter your brain cells are dead or alive if they cannot send messages to your heart for it to pump
Lost Metal said:
I recently read this study that concluded that ALCOHOL DOES NOT KILL BRAIN CELLS!!!
Can someone find the study for me? I read it when I was really baked and can't remember where it was...

So, you're excited that alchohol may not do as much damage as you thought, but you're gleefully exhibiting the debilitating effects of the drug you choose to do?

Dude, I was an alchoholic for 6 years, and a coke addict on top of that for 3 of those years. It doesn't make any difference to me what precisely and scientifically the stuff was doing to me, I finally figured out what it was doing to my LIFE. I finally noticed things like, "Hey, people I know who DON'T have a problem with alchohol don't get all hyped up like I do over little news items relating to alchohol. In fact, they just don't think much about it at all, while I'm constantly joking, arguing, thinking about, reading about and generally centering my life around coke and alchohol."

There's more to it than that, but you get the gist.
