"Alien Blaster" - Did the Game Try to Steal Your A

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First time out of the vault
I'm not sure if the location at which it spawns is always random, but in any case, my spawn happened in the parking lot of the Super Market - and half of all the ammo spawned was on TOP of the building, which you can't get to without cheat codes. I wonder whether there was just as much chance of the gun getting dropped up there too?

If I'd been playing the console version, the weapon would've been spoilt.

Can there be more than one spawn of the weapon and its ammo in the course of gameplay?
Mine was with at the NW crash site next to the ammo.

I then proceeded to slaughter a whole town of deathclaws (south east) with it although that was a bit of a waste of time and ammo seeing as they are by far the toughest opponents and yet yield the same xp as raiders (50xp) nor is there anything of value in the town.

One time at Rivet City there was a crash which I presumed yield blaster ammo but all I found was four raiders having fun shooting an invincible child :roll:
I'm pretty sure that the actual crash site is always north of minefield.

The mortar hitting the invisible spaceship and blowing ammo all over the place can happen anywhere it seems.
baronjohn said:
I then proceeded to slaughter a whole town of deathclaws (south east) with it although that was a bit of a waste of time and ammo seeing as they are by far the toughest opponents and yet yield the same xp as raiders (50xp) nor is there anything of value in the town.

If you mean Old Olny - there is an experimental Medical Powerarmor in the sewertunnels below the the city. But you are right, its pretty much worthless.

*Edit*: The Deathclaw sanctuary holds a modified version of the gatling laser...
You call it a nod, I call it stealing. It had already been done before - and it was done better to boot.

Well, what happened in my game, was I heard a peculiar sound, like a missile whooshing, and turned around quickly to try to find the source. I just caught a smoke-trail and cloud in the Super Market parking lot. Zipped over, scoped it out, found a few alien ammos - and this was all at night-time. I thought for sure that there must be more, so, it being night-time, I searched for anything glowing as the ammo was - and caught sight of one perched on the edge of the Super Market roof. I turned on the cheats, "ran" into the sky, and tons of ammo was on top of the building. I was surprised to finally the blaster itself in the front parking lot, near the door farthest from the river.

Maybe, Overseer, your blaster has landed someplace inaccessible. Leave it to Havoc physics and poor design...
so thats why sometimes I hear whizzing sounds.. damnit.. I heard it couple of times.. damnit..