Alien Blaster


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Ok, I have played through this bloody game so many freaking times and have done just about everything, but.............

found the damn Blaster!! I think I've heard that your luck needs to be fairly high, but what else?

Please help me! *sniff*

Mohrg :twisted:
i got it on the way to shady sands with a 10 luck character, unfortunatley, i had already planed to be an unarmed and melee char that whole game :cry: :cry: :cry:
1) Luck at 10
2) Strength at more than 5

The perks that make you find special things more often helps, too.
But a luck of 10 really helps in that case...just wander around between Los Angeles, The Hub and Klamath...err Junktown XP
Pretty old thread but I've got the same question. For FALLOUT 2.

I'm at the enclave base, and came to that maze bit. Now I've heard that using repair on one of the randomly selected terminals will give me an easter egg, depending on my tagged skill higher than 100% (in my case, Speech, which should thus net me the Alien Blaster).

Now I've been 'repairing' the terminals for about 15 minutes, none of them are giving me the egg. I get "you can't repair this" message when trying to repair them.

There's something more to the maze room than meets the eye. One of the terminals (selected randomly each game) actually contains an "Easter egg", which is found by using the Repair skill on it. If you pass a Science check and it's the right terminal, you'll get a reward, but only if you have tagged any of the skills listed below, and that skill is also at 100% or more. The skills are checked in the order given, and once one is found that qualifies, that's what you get whether you want it or not. You can only get one egg.

Speech: Creates 1 Alien Blaster.

Also, my Repair skill is 56%, Speech is 130% and my Science skill is 60%; I'm not sure if that means I can't get the easter egg.

I think I've done repair on each terminal about 20 times, to no avail! Am I doing something wrong?

"If you pass a Science check". Apparently you haven't, and to me it's no suprise with the skill at 60% (I don't really know but this has to be a difficult check). You have to try and load some of the previous saves, I guess. Providing you have any ;)
Well, the Blaster wouldn't help you a lot with him ;) And you still can get it from Willie, though this way is even more random.