All VaultBoys' Day Highlights


Night Watchman
Staff member
The iconic VaultBoy has been making a number of apperances in art lately.

For instance, the hotshot webcomic VG Cats highlighted the hallmark in their Halloween humoresque:

Azrael-Arkangel animated the protagonist strolling about some secluded street.

MrBumble carved the effigy of the rascal into the side of a holy mountain in Photoshop.

Arachnivore made a design for everyone's favourite T-shirt (creatively developing an idea by Schuljunge)


Links: VG Cats Halloween Strip @ VG Cats, Vaut Boy Walking, Mount Nukemore, VaultChé @ NMA Fan Art Forum
dammit, where is mine?
this is a conspiration against me!
okay, i´ll leave.

edit: Oh, jeah, there is my name. Maybe i´ll not leave. Maybeee
edit2: wow, its marked fat! :puppy-dog:
edit3: while the others have an link to their profile
edit4: i should stop editing this. Great Work, ya´ll.
yeah.. I too have had my name in fat letters on the front page.. those were the days. :roll:

I see creative people.
Silencer said:
I kind of liked Arachnivore's version better.

The smiling one, too.

Yeah i agree, but i wasn´t talking about that.

I meant teh Vaultboy from the Hood, as black one, ya know.
With his dogs Gizmo and a Mutant, damn that was so uber!

:roll: okay, i understand...

you don´t like niggas