Altered NPC bug


First time out of the vault
Hi, I suppose this has been covered earlier, but couldn't find a specific thread.

I'm using the official US patch - having altered Cassidy (using the with a different character model) the dialogue trigger which has the NPC joining your party puts him in his respective party slot, he spawns with you in new maps and is greenish-friendly; but never follows the Dude, and the conversations starts as if you had retracted your request for him to join you, in either the last or next-to-last instance of that part of the dialogue.

After changing back the character model to either of the four Cassdidy (level 1-4), the problem still persists. Any clues?
What do you mean by "having altered Cassidy using the with a different character model"? Did you alter the script? Did you just take some other character's .int file and change the name? Change the graphics? Give some more info, and I'll try to assist you.
Keep in mind that random changes to NPCs, especially when made during the game, could cause them to stop following you. I had this problem when I first started tinkering with a certain NPC in my project.
No, I just applied the .int on another critter; same AI packet, same script. The problems seemed to arise from applying said script on a different critter, but were still there with the original, assuming that one of the four critters actually are in place over there in the VC courtyard. Which is strange.

I suppose something could be related to the party.txt-file, and the specific scripts' reference to the PID? But, what's the PID? ;)
A PID is the specific critter's identification number (which may or may not be the same graphic). Even different levels of the same critter have different PID numbers, but the original is referenced. So, if you add Cassidy's script to, say, a Security Bot Mk II, he might be ok for a while. However, there are so many times in the game (such as traversing between maps) that it will look for the original PID. If you don't change it in the various scripts and .txt files, it's not gonna work right.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Still, it doesn't seem to answer the fact that the critter still won't work when the original model is returned?

So for one I'd need a list of the PID numbers and reference, as well as a program somewhat more versatile than notepad for editing the scripts. Any tip on that one?


(Found the PID-reference list, I'll just try to change the PID assigned to the specific party member to the one of the substitute critter, let's see what happens.)

(Also realised that I was using the wrong critter model when changing Cassidy back - the one you find in VC is not one of the four stage-related models)
Thereby, the question remaining would be; how do I edit the .pro-file to have it load the desired set of frames? I can't seem to find a neat little proto-editor anywhere?
You are gonna have to change the name of this thread. It wasn't a bug, per se, it was that you didn't know what you were doing! :lol: :wink:

Seriously. Why don't you tell me exactly what you want to do. I don't really understand your questions because, well, you seem to know only enough to be dangerous. The answer might be in a .pro file, or party.txt, or PID numbers, or the scripts.

Well, I was trying to change the skin of Macrae. The other aspects are quite easy to mod (dialogue via notepad, et.c) but it seems that his script is connected to the specific critter (, or PID in ways I couldn't figure out - it works fine with that .pro-file.

I don't think I'll mess around with this any more soon, and just keep to writing dialogue and such, but thanks for your pointers.

Laughlyn said:

Well, I was trying to change the skin of Macrae. The other aspects are quite easy to mod (dialogue via notepad, et.c) but it seems that his script is connected to the specific critter (, or PID in ways I couldn't figure out - it works fine with that .pro-file.

Ok, if you want to make Cassidy appear different all the time from the very beginning, the easiest thing might be to use the official mapper. First, get the PIDs for the original Cassidy and all of his levels. Or you could just search through the mapper itself on the critter tabs. As a hint, a critter PID is the .pro file number plus 00000216. As long as you have the proper mapper setup (configuration and folders), you could just change the pictures right there to any body you want.
Second, use the mapper to modify the vctyctyd map, placing the new body for Cassidy there.
That's all there is to it. Once you get the mapper up and running right (look on this site for help with that), shouldn't take more than 5 minutes to complete this.