Altering Leveling with the GECK


First time out of the vault
The GECK is useful. Have not found the exact location of the following. If you know how please help.

1) Altering leveling information for the character, such as hit points per level, skill points per level, perks per level.

2) Starting values for character: hit points, traits, skill points, skill points per TAG (tag formula basically)

3) Max character level (though this one seriously can be altered via a console command and if it involves some type of crashing effect modding it I won't bother, the goal is to make the per level adjustments so that whatever I set the max character level too will work fine with those adjustemnts.

I want to make it Level 30 or maybe 40 max, and yet also Slower XP including:

Where is the XP scale. I want to change the XP needed to achieve each level, if I work the scale right I might be keeping level 20 (but to get to level 20 would be equivalent to achieving level 40, and thus I'd leave all the starting values and hit points the same).

Really that is all the game needs to play as is, double or triple the XP needed per level but keep one perk per level, starting skill, hit points, etc. and per level. Still I want to find the locations of these and decide once I do so.

P.S. If you alter the description of the Perk in the GECK does it alter the game effect. For example if I alter that Toughness gives +20 Percent toughness but has 1 rank, will it change the amount of toughness you get if you select this perk in the game? If not how would I alter the game effect of a perk?
Willybean said:
P.S. If you alter the description of the Perk in the GECK does it alter the game effect. For example if I alter that Toughness gives +20 Percent toughness but has 1 rank, will it change the amount of toughness you get if you select this perk in the game? If not how would I alter the game effect of a perk?

Pretty sure that when you make alterations and save that file as an esp. it will be within the data files on your launcher. All you need to do is check the box so it's on and your perk should have the altered effects in game while the your mod is on.
they're game settings.

and be real careful about the xp per level settings. the engine uses two values in a complex formula (that you dont get to see).
Is there a way to alter the game settings?

I could use the previous FOMM to do it right? If so can you give a quick run down or link to an explanation of how to.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. if you know where/how to at least see the XP formula or both of them I'd like it.

Truth is, you don't need more than 20 levels for the game rather you need longer leveling especially at 15-20. Simply put you can easily alter the maxlevel via a console command, but if you do this the game right now is set to give too many hit points so after 20 you start having too many, same with skills so I want to either lower these, increase level max, OR simply increase the XP amount per level and probably not need to alter much of the other things.

I'm sure someone has messed with it cuz I've seen mods that deal with XP