Alternativa Platform / Great Way to Control ISO view


A Smooth-Skin
okay so i apologize if this has been posted before - just wanted to point out what great things them russians is doing in-browser.

check out the alternativa platform here:
a really nice 3d engine based in flash

what i also found interesting is the way this little tech demo handles an isometric view angle camera (the camera being something i always was annoyed of in top down 3d rpgs) the controls are the same as with a shooter meaning WSAD and mouse and it works wonderfull - and natural for anyone who has played a shooter.

click 'ere:

this would be something really cool to add in a game like.. fallout 5
It's flash - it's evil (think of all the advertisement on the Internet that wouldn't exist without Flash).
seems a bit too expensive for the cell phones to handle memory wise but soon we'll be able to play our games anywhere it seems.