If you wish for some reason not to use (Open) Watcom for prepocessing Fallout2 ssl-files you can simply use gcc. I've tested Bloodshed's Dev-C++ (version 4, using mingw) and it works just fine. All you need can be found at http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html (those new v5 betas seem to cause problems for someones so I recommend version 4) size~7.5Mb.
And for examaple (command line):
gcc -E -x c -P -C script.ssl >script.abc
(and then compile it with fallout2 compiler...)
More info: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/cpre.html
And for examaple (command line):
gcc -E -x c -P -C script.ssl >script.abc
(and then compile it with fallout2 compiler...)
More info: http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/html/cpre.html