Ambient soundtracks


Antediluvian as Feck
I'm looking for ambient music for an animation I'm making. It needs to be very monotonous and mellow, quiet (low frequencies preferrably). Also, I would like it to be shorter than one minute. I checked the fallout soundtrack, but most of that stuff is kind of "lively" in comparison to what I need. I'd like it to be free if possible, so I don't have to explain where it's from.
I can't give you any specific soundtracks, but this combined with ought to shorten your search. No one but you could really know what you have in mind.
Brian Eno is probably the best suggestion anyone could think to make, with Deep Blue Day somewhere near the top of my list for mellowest songs of all time.

Another good group to try would be Godspeed You Black Emperor!. They're all kinds of ambient and experiemental. The only real problem is that you'd really have to listen to find a selection you liked... they're good, but their tracks tend to ramble, usually clocking in at somewhere between six and fifteen minutes long, and there are a lot of rising and falling periods in each.[/b]
So far, after listening to countless tracks (mostly game tracks), I've decided to go with the music you hear in Ravenholm in HL2. It's exactly 50 seconds, and isn't too mellow. The problem is, the part of the animation where this music goes is about 40-50 seconds, so there's a risk the music won't be heard at all if I go with cropping a mellow 15 minute track.

The soundtrack from Homeworld is also very good, and I'm checking it out now. Brian Eno is also very good, but his tracks usually take about 5 minutes to reach some kind of crescendo.