Ammo explanations for Dummies


First time out of the vault
Okay. I am not a modder, a techie, a programer, and am largely computer illiterate. Hence this literally is "Ammo explanations for dummies". Seriously. I mean literally.

So, here's the question.

Ammo in Fallout 2 (and 1 for that matter) all have modifiers... What these mean i have no clue.

Dmg mod 1/2 or 2/1
AC mod
DR mod .... -25 or 25 as an example.

Could someone please explain what on earth these numbers mean?

AP is Dmg mod 1/2m with a negative DR mod usually
JHP is Dmg mod 2/1 with a positive DR mod usually.
AC mod's appear sporadically (going off a web guide here).

I know there are bugs with ammo - i downloaded the lovely ammo mod to hopefully fix that. My question right now - is what do all those numbers mean?

Any help is appreciated!
You don't have to be a techie, a programmer or familiar with computers to understand what they mean...


DMG mod stands for damage. 1/2 means 50% damage. 2/1 would mean 200%.

AC mod. Means that the ammo has either a positive or a negative modifier to hit the target (since it either makes the target's AC higher or lower). It should say either - or + in front of the number.

DR mod. Modifies the Damage Resistance of the target. Negative is of course better since you'll make more damage if the target has less DR...

In theory that's how it works, however, I've heard there's a bug so they don't work properly or something like that...
All you need to know is that the more bullets you get into your enemy, and the less that get put into you, the better.
The algorithm is (supposed to be):

A = (base weapon damage) * (ammo dmg mod)
B = A - (target DT)
Actual damage = B - B * (ammo DR mod + target DR mod) / 100

The damage will never be increased in the third step, even if (ammo DR mod + target DR mod) is negative.

A higher dmg mod makes a big difference, which is why most AP ammo sucks so much. (E.g. the gang war in the Den; most guards do decent damage with their 10mm pistols, but Lara has AP ammo and does nothing.) More negative DR mod is good, but less important than dmg mod.

AC mod only affects chance to hit, not the amount of damage done.