Ammo question


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
This is, as far as I can see, not covered anywhere in the manuals of FO1 or FO2, and searching for "ammo dmg" in the forums yield thousands of irrelevant results. Therefore, I will dedicate a topic to it:

WHAT does the "Dmg mod: x/x" info shown on the ammo in Fallout do?

My guess is that it is a fraction applied to the weapon's damage, for example, 2/1 means twice the weapon damage, while 2/3 means two thirds damage, 2/2 or 1/1 means no damage modifiers because 1/1 is one, and so on. Is this correct?

I know that the question is pointless in FO1 because the engine is crap, but I would like to know what the "Dmg mod" does in FO2. Sorry for asking stupidly.
My guess is that this has been asked about a dozen times and people still don't use search functions.
Seriously, what the fuck, the search button is just at the top there. Use it.
Sander said:
My guess is that this has been asked about a dozen times and people still don't use search functions.
Seriously, what the fuck, the search button is just at the top there. Use it.

Sander, he did say that he used the search function.

The search function isn't always that useful to. You sometimes have to sift through a big amount of irrelevant posts. I don't know if that's the case here but you shouldn't always jump on somebody, specially when he already stated that he used the damned function.
Magnus said:
My guess is that it is a fraction applied to the weapon's damage, for example, 2/1 means twice the weapon damage, while 2/3 means two thirds damage, 2/2 or 1/1 means no damage modifiers because 1/1 is one, and so on. Is this correct?

Yes. There are threads in the modding forum that go into more detail, and a basic FAQ on the subject at Gamefaqs.
JR Jansen said:
Sander, he did say that he used the search function.

The search function isn't always that useful to. You sometimes have to sift through a big amount of irrelevant posts. I don't know if that's the case here but you shouldn't always jump on somebody, specially when he already stated that he used the damned function.
Search for ammo in the gameplay & tech forum and look at the *3rd* bloody result.