

So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
How do you keep enough ammo in this freaking game? I have read reviews that state that ammo is plentiful, but I can't seem to keep my guns loaded... at all.

I'm tired of beating the hell out of raiders with a baseball bat.

Is there a huge ammo stockpile somewhere I can hit up? It seems as if the merchants are low on ammo most of the time as well.
*shrugs* i had so much ammo near the end fo the game it was ridiculous. granted i played on an easier level when i first played. Even on hard, however, I was crapping out of every "pocket" i had on my character.

Of course, the first 5 levels of my character it is a little challenging to keep ammo - but there is a point where it just like explodes in your inventory.

(also, I keep ALL ammo I find, even if I can't use it - it has no weight and is like free money - a mistake in this game IMNSHO)
If you play the first time, it is normal I think. Later it doesn't become a problem again. When I started the second time, I was never running out of ammo.
You do have to be careful. In my "no VATS" game it's even more of an issue. In the ant tunnels I was down to some mines and a handful of shotgun shells.

I don't remember ammo suddenly becoming really plentiful, but as you get better skills it takes less bullets to kill things, and you get a wider variety of weapons. Even at the end of the game, you could never exclusively use one weapon that I know of.

I guess my tip would be to use grenades and mines when you can, and the hunting rifle in outdoor areas. The shotgun is probably the best indoors. The .44 is pretty ammo efficient, as is the sniper rifle. The assault rifles are the worst in that regard, you really can't rely on using them for any length of time.

The 10mm pistol isn't bad either. The SMG is potent but like the assault rifles you'll be running dry in no time.

The laser rifle has a good kill/shot ratio and ammo is somewhat abundant at the end of the game.

You can get a lot of 5mm for the minigun but I burnt through 1000 rounds taking out Paradise Falls, so it doesn't last long either.
Herr Mike said:
You do have to be careful. In my "no VATS" game it's even more of an issue. In the ant tunnels I was down to some mines and a handful of shotgun shells.

I don't remember ammo suddenly becoming really plentiful, but as you get better skills it takes less bullets to kill things, and you get a wider variety of weapons. Even at the end of the game, you could never exclusively use one weapon that I know of.

I guess my tip would be to use grenades and mines when you can, and the hunting rifle in outdoor areas. The shotgun is probably the best indoors. The .44 is pretty ammo efficient, as is the sniper rifle. The assault rifles are the worst in that regard, you really can't rely on using them for any length of time.

The 10mm pistol isn't bad either. The SMG is potent but like the assault rifles you'll be running dry in no time.

The laser rifle has a good kill/shot ratio and ammo is somewhat abundant at the end of the game.

You can get a lot of 5mm for the minigun but I burnt through 1000 rounds taking out Paradise Falls, so it doesn't last long either.
The assault rifle is actually the best weapon for killing ghouls you have to use it in VATS or it's terrible.

5mm isn't hard to fin, but I thought the minigun was too weak to really use consistently. And heavy
even on hardest setting:
step A:
**kill raiders
**take all they have + any items from surroundings

step B:
**do a round trip of all known 'traders'
**sell crap
**buy ammo

step C:
**more ammo than ammunation
**plenty of cash to boot

downside, a little annoying in the 'rinse repeat' department

I did find however that shotgun ammo was a little lacking on Very Hard, traders just didnt stock much! give me a day or so to find the right save game, I'll print screen my 'ammo' inventory from quite late game (having played on V Hard and then on Hard with character)
What Rev. Layle said. I had some shortages in ammo on my low level, frequently switching from an Assault Rifle to the 10mm SMG, and then to a Hunting Rifle when amm ran dry. When you level up though, I find that I am able to accumulate a LOT of ammo to last me whichever weapon I desire to choose for an encounter.

But I use VATS a lot and I made a habit of buying out whatever 5.56 and 10mm ammo any given merchant has.

Accumulate the ammo, especially since if fucking weighs NOTHING.