Angry Austrailians Kill Stingrays for Retaliaition


First time out of the vault
We as human beings can be very dumb sometimes!

10 Stingrays Killed Since Irwin's Death
By MERAIAH FOLEY, Associated Press Writer
Tue Sep 12, 4:17 AM

This undated promotional photo, provided by the Discovery Networks ...
SYDNEY, Australia - At least 10 stingrays have been killed since "Crocodile Hunter" Steve Irwin was fatally injured by one of the fish, an official said Tuesday, prompting a spokesman for the late TV star's animal charity to urge people not take revenge on the animals.

Irwin died last week after a stingray barb pierced his chest as he recorded a show off the Great Barrier Reef.

Stingray bodies since have been discovered on two beaches in Queensland state on Australia's eastern coast. Two were discovered Tuesday with their tails lopped off, state fisheries department official Wayne Sumpton said.

Sumpton said fishermen who inadvertently catch the diamond-shaped rays sometimes cut off their tails to avoid being stung, but the practice was uncommon. Stingrays often are caught in fishing nets by mistake and should be returned to the sea, Sumpton said.

Michael Hornby, the executive director of Irwin's Wildlife Warriors conservation group, said he was concerned the rays were being hunted and killed in retaliation for Irwin's death.

"It may be some sort of retribution, or it may be fear from certain individuals, or it just may be yet another callous act toward wildlife," he said.

He said killing stingrays was "not what Steve was about."

"We are disgusted and disappointed that people would take this sort of action to hurt wildlife," he said.

Stingrays are usually shy, unobtrusive fish that rummage the sea bottom for food or burrow into the sand.

They have a serrated spine up to 10 inches long on their tails, which they can lash when stepped on or otherwise frightened.

The spines emit toxins that can kill many small creatures and cause excruciating pain in humans. Few people have died from the poison, but the spines can badly tear flesh and the wounds are prone to infections, including tetanus.

Hornby said people should treat stingrays with caution, but "there is still no need to ... kill or mutilate these important animals."
Ah well. Shit happens. A few more stingrays die.

But more importantly, have they captured the head stingray? :roll:
But more importantly, have they captured the head stingray? Rolling Eyes

No, but they have some strong evidence that he is hiding in afghanistan atm, so an invasion might be eminent!
I know that the King of Kings Xerxes had ordered his soldiers to whip the sea at Hellespont and Emperor Caligula - the waters of the La Manche Channel, but this was, like, two and some thousand years ago.

Oh well, I guess you just can't force people to be civilized.
He was actually beamed up by Elvis just before the hit, but few know this.
He was beamed up by Chloe at CTU using a secondary DoD IT5 masked relay network, so he could rescue Jack Bauer who'se been kidnapped by the Chinese. Few know this. It's all in the facts.


This suddenly seems very relevant.
Posted: Thursday, 14 September 2006, 22:19 GMT 23:19 UK

Ray Commander Revealed

Australian authorities are in a tizzy over a recent Al-Jazeera broadcast, on which appears a live video feed of a stingray introduced by the broadcaster as "The Great Ray Commander what commands all Rays".

In the video, the Commander appears to be using a thick formation of kelp to mask the position of his most loyal followers, referred to as the "Righteous Reef Ray Resistance of Southern Queensland for Peace and Reconciliation", or "RRRRSQPR" for short.

The RRRRSQPR appear to have taken several rare types of fish hostage, whom the Commander gestures toward threateningly with an AK-47 several times throughout the course of the transmission. He then flips a mocking "Right Fin Salute" before cutting the feed.

Australian Federal Police have issued a statement about this chilling development:

"We understand that the Commander is upset over the recent events surrounding the death of Steve Irwin. However, we beg him not to act out his frustrations upon innocent hostages.

Our people are trying to initiate communication with the RRRRSQPR as we speak, but the thickness of the kelp is scrambling our transmissions. In this desperate hour, we must plead with the Great Ray Commander to show a sign of goodwill. Please, permit us to initiate negotations with you."

Greenpeace representatives have responded:

"Honestly, who can blame the RRRRSQPR? Crazy Aussies attacking their people over a freak accident, in which neither side was truely at fault? Cutting off their tails, and leaving them adrift to die? Wouldn't you be pissed off too?!

Honestly, we hope the Commander doesn't buckle in his desire to see the Stingray's respected status as "Noble and Peaceful creature of the Sea" restored. Though we do hope the RRRRSQPR can save the whales while they're at it."

First time I've laughed out loud in ages over something I've read on the internet. Brilliant Kan-Kerai
Kan-Kerai you are teh phunny!!1

You have either:
a) an awesome imagination; or
b) way too much time on your hands.

I'm going for the latter.
