Another chaingun message :-)


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Since I'm scared of participating in discussions where I know little about, and who are 70 posts, I'll just post here a little information.

Caliber, mm: 23
Mass, kg: 76 (!)
Size,mm(length,width,height): 1400, 243, 180

"6-barreled aviation gun.
G(SH)-6-23M (or 9-A-768)

The gun is intended as aircraft weapon. Installed on aircraft SU-24M. Made by multiple barrel technology with rotating barrels. Starting rotation is accomplished by ***(techno info: translation - usage of pirocartridges PPL, probably when used, PPLs' exhaust gas rotates the barrels). Further rotation is accomplished by using exhaust gas from fired ammunition. Firing control is accomplished by a remote control operating on 27 Volt electricity generator.
Exists in chain- or chainless feed.
Ammunition types:
23mm round with shrapnel-fugas-igniting warhead.
23mm round with armorpiercing-igniting-"tracing"? warhead.

Purchase package includes 10 PPLs and 500 rounds (which ones?)"

Unfortunatelly, no info on fire rate.
You can, however, watch animated GIF movie.
Delicious, eh? Any comments?

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