Another claim of 'video game cause violence!!!' study...


Vault Senior Citizen
'Teh Study'

Iowa State University has published a new study suggesting that videogames are a catalytic factor in developing a child’s aggressive behavior regardless of their cultural surroundings.

The academic study, published in the journal Pediatrics, was set up to address a common debate; do videogames evoke aggressive behavior or are aggressive people more drawn to games with violent content?

While the entire archive of important questions surrounding the influence of videogame violence can’t possibly be answered by such a narrowly-funneled debate, ISU psychology professor Craig Anderson has attempted to address a counter-argument often made by those associated with the videogame industry; that Japan’s low rate of reported violence suggests that games cannot be a sole contributing factor in aggressive behavior.

In attempting to address this counter-argument, professor Anderson measured a previous study from his 2007-published book (called Violent Video Game Effects on Children and Adolescents) with research from an associate professor of psychology at Ochanomizu University in Japan.

Anderson claims to have found similar findings from both studies, enough to say in an OSU press release that: "When you find consistent effects across two very different cultures, you're looking at a pretty powerful phenomenon. One can no longer claim this is somehow a uniquely-American phenomenon. This is a general phenomenon that occurs across cultures."

The US portion of the study had reproduced Anderson’s research from his 2007 book which focused on 364 school pupils in Minnesota. The children, aged 9-12, were reported to have an increased likelihood of getting into a fight or exhibiting physically aggressive behavior around five months after being subjected to violent videogames.

These results were then placed next to the research from Ochanomizu, which asked a total of 1,231 Japanese students to rate their own behavior in terms of physical aggression. Both studies claim to show complementary trends in aggressive behavior, with the report’s author claiming "the argument has been made - it's not a very good argument, but it's been made by the video game industry - that all our research on violent video game effects must be wrong because Japanese kids play a lot of violent video games and Japan has a low violence rate”.

"By gathering data from Japan, we can test that hypothesis directly and ask, 'Is it the case that Japanese kids are totally unaffected by playing violent video games?' And of course, they aren't. They're affected pretty much the same way American kids are," he concluded.

Where are the parents guidance this day? :ugly:
I played violent games all my life, after learning alphabet in first grades of elementary school i would come home and either play games or watch movies like Predator, Robocop, Terminator or Remo and i never had tendencies to start a fight or bully someone. All my friends like me during the years would play violent games, watch violent movies, listen to metal and have even experienced war and none of us were ever violent. I see problems with violence mainly because of the lack of parenting skills, most people leave television, computers and strangers to educate their children since nobody has free time anymore.
I didn't needed violent videogames to be aggressive when I was a child :) . I didn't even have a computer back then :) .
Anyway, most agressive people from my primary school that ended up in gangs and then some of them in prison and one of them dead weren't hardcore gamers and two worst weren't gamers at all.
marko2te said:
I played violent games all my life, after learning alphabet in first grades of elementary school i would come home and either play games or watch movies like Predator, Robocop, Terminator or Remo and i never had tendencies to start a fight or bully someone. All my friends like me during the years would play violent games, watch violent movies, listen to metal and have even experienced war and none of us were ever violent. I see problems with violence mainly because of the lack of parenting skills, most people leave television, computers and strangers to educate their children since nobody has free time anymore.

What he said.

Violent games don't make violent people.
People fear what they don't understand, ever noticed it's never gamers (consoles or otherwise) that do these studies. Yes it is psycologically true that most, but not all, will model behaviors of the influence (be it movies, books, games, etc.) that they fill thier time with but what makes a person is a nature based on Genetics and Environment (and the soul, I believe, but we'll not go into that as it can't really be proven). I say that Video games create violence is unfair. Take SEX for example: one of the most violent acts one could perform. If you think about it, forcably inserting a foriegn object into a body in a repeated fashion for anywhere from moments to hours! So, in a similar note does sex cause violence in other day-to-day activities? Ther is a guy here on NMA that has a quote for his sig that says Reason, itself, is a form of Brute Force. I agree, and it's a good quote... but I digress.

When I was a kid, I got into alot of fights. It was just fun to me, that act of beating the shit out of someone, or getting the shit beaten out of me. I never one threw the first blow and rarely threw the last. But at the same time I have only ever lost one fight. I have an array of weapons that I have collected over the years and I perform Kata with them out in my back yard nearly every day. Am I a violent person? No. I'm just a Sado-messocht/sociopath with an honor complex. And I didn't start playing games untill I got out of school! Then When I did start playing it was games like Tetris, Bubble Bobble, and Castle Master (a old pc game I had on my 286, lol).

Anyway... I think the studies like this are unfair, looking at the fact that there has to be more that just one factor (in this case video games) that make a person tick (or in some cases "tick-tock, tick-tock...BOOM").
I suspect that computer games make people actually less violent, because they can channel their violent tendencies into games instead of getting into fights just for the hell of it.

I remember that before the times of GTA, me and other kids in neighbourhood were doing all sorts of nasty pranks. Sometimes we even demolished things.
Also, I remember burning/blowing up various toys. It all ended when we got into violent computer games like GTA, Quake, Command & Conquer, etc.
I don't see kids doing this sort of things in my neighbourhood nowadays.
I absolutelly agree with that!

That is one of my best outlets, After a preally pissy day, go home put in GTA3, stasnd up on cab roof and pop heads as I go by. Or put in MGS3 and see how many Spetsnads I cand sneak up on a gut. It's a good outlet.
When I'm really, really angry (for example when the alien tries to censor computer games) I usually play Manhunt, but frankly, it doesn't help a lot.
I relax the most when I have a whole city of unarmed civilians to kill in some sort of tactical game, like Syndicate or Close Combat Modern Tactics and I methodically exterminate everything that lives and isn't my soldiers.
Preschool I played a mixture of Marathon and Reader Rabbit. Kindergarten I played Half - Life. Am I violent? Not in the least. I have never been in any fights and only occasionally get angry. Killing aliens makes me chill.

Edit: Are my parents good parents? You decide. :lol:
TheRatKing said:
Preschool I played a mixture of Marathon and Reader Rabbit.
I grew up playing the crap out of Marathon and Marathon 2. Still a couple of the best damn games ever made.

I also grew up playing Mortal Kombat (1, 2, and 3), Sonic, Mario, Final Fantasies, Phantasy Stars, and all sorts of other violent crap (yes, Mario and Sonic are violent if you think about it, albeit in a cartoony way of course). How many fights have I been in? Zero. In fact, I'd say I rather need to be more aggressive.

Of course, that doesn't prove that there isn't a correlation between violent video games and violent behavior. However, I've yet to see any study worth a damn that shows any correlation. I mean just look at this study. It relies entirely on the subjects subjectively evaluating themselves, and then the researchers forming a conclusion based solely on those evaluations.

... Worthless.
I have one opinion on this topic, and David Cross sums it up pretty fuckin' well.
And I probably misquote:
"What was the name of that video game Hitler used to play? I bet it was fucking awesome!"
Kids learn to use violence as a problem solving tool from their parents. It's as simple as that.

I'd like to see the percentage of the "violent" kids who were spanked/beaten or witnessed their parents participating in domestic abuse.
Kyuu said:
In fact, I'd say I rather need to be more aggressive.
Same here.

What happened to the image of gamer being a harmless nerd whose problem is actually being not aggressive enough to deal with barbaric non-gamers?

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Kids learn to use violence as a problem solving tool from their parents. It's as simple as that.
Hah, I didn't even know that there's such thing as a non-violent conflict resolution until I played Fallout :twisted: .
SupermanOctopus said:
"What was the name of that video game Hitler used to play? I bet it was fucking awesome!"

How about Stalin(who was responsible for almost three times as many deaths as Hitler), the crusaders, Ghanghis Khan, Alexander, The Spanish Conquistadors, Vlad the Impaler, and the like? I also don't think Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam, and those current psychotic murderers played any video games.

I could understand if emotions got the better of someone in just a single murder, not that it's excusable, but understandable. However, when you look at the mass murderers, there is a combination of things that just aren't right, and it's hardly harboured by a single cause.

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
I'd like to see the percentage of the "violent" kids who were spanked/beaten or witnessed their parents participating in domestic abuse.

I dunno, I got the spankings numerous times when I was a kid. I witnessed other kids getting beaten by their parents... I've been in one fight ever, and then I went a few minutes later to apologize to the kid because I felt bad. I'm hardly violent, as it usually doesn't solve anything, and then you're sore for a few days depending on how bad the fight was.

I personally believe that it's a combination of things, you can't really go pinpointing it to just a single source like video games or abuse. Sure, they can contribute to it, but hardly are the source. You could also blame parenting, as you could with educational systems or society which pretty much teach us to be number one at everything, in this particular case strength.
Violent games can amplify pre-existing problems.

Operative word: can.


I've always played violent games and I'm hardly a violent person. I think the problem probably stems from upbringing as violent parents will most probably influence their children as it is what they will be living with. It's also a case of scapegoating (Is that a word?) media that people are not sure about i.e those killings that occoured after the release of Manhunt, it wasn't the game that killed the person, it was the person killing the person!
Even then, if it's a violent environment they live in, like beatings or whatever, I don't think it can escalate to something like murdering people who they don't know, without other factors. They will probably get into a lot more fights and possibly assaults. There's got to be other psychological issues behind it.
Well, I too, play violent games since elementary school (Fallout 2 at the age of 12 x] ) and I'm not an agressive person, I think. Not physically, anyway. I've experienced some bad shit in my life, but I would never attack someone for no apparent reason (he's calling me names or some other shit). Hell, I find it difficult to play evil in games like KotOR or Fallout, where I have a *choice* - because why would I behave like a complete asshole and kill someone for some extra caps?

I was a bit agressive as a kid AFAIR (hey dude, lemme check that cool combo from Mortal Kombat 4 on you...), but it's just a matter of kids wanting to try out everything they see - fortunatly, most of them realize quick enough that it's not right when they see it may hurt someone.

At least I did.
I'd like to see the percentage of the "violent" kids who were spanked/beaten or witnessed their parents participating in domestic abuse.

It does not cause violence, well, when you get a (not too strong, but still hurts) slap on the wrist only when you do something bad, it actually builds a certain part of character: The idea that if you mess up or do something bad to someone, there are consequences and you will probrably be punished in one way or another. Being walloped by your drunken, brute salvage of a father for no reason does NOT help, however. Same with domestic abuse. Mom and dad used to punish me with a slap on the wrist, and from that, I learned: Do something bad, you get punished. So I was the "quiet" kid, I rarely did anything bad, well, at least not with mom or dad in sight. So far, I'm a pretty non-violent gamer, although I have somewhat extreme views when dealing with criminals (read it as "DEATH TO THE PARASITES")

Now go look at this current generation of Brazilians. Most Grew up without any idea of punishment because "slaping your kid is BAD!!1111". The result? A country full of criminals and ethic-less smartasses. Great, REALLY great.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
It does not cause violence, well, when you get a (not too strong, but still hurts) slap on the wrist only when you do something bad, it actually builds a certain part of character: The idea that if you mess up or do something bad to someone, there are consequences and you will probrably be punished in one way or another. Being walloped by your drunken, brute salvage of a father for no reason does NOT help, however. Same with domestic abuse.
Good point. Also, I think there's a very big difference between moderate slapping as a punishment and beating a kid because one is frustrated. The latter teaches the kid: "something is frustrating -> use violence on it" or "you are worthless piece of shit".