Another DAT extractor for Fallout 1


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I just spotted this earlier today (well I was actaully told about by one of the guys at

It's a game resource extractor that supports a lot of games including Fallout DATs. I assume that this is fallout 1, but the author might add fallout 2 suppport if requested.

It runs on JAVA, and has a free version and a $5 version with extra stuff (dont know what)

It also supports Fallout tactics *.bos files, which is no a real surprise seeing as they are just renamed *.zip files :)
Check this:

It`s a .dat console packer/unpacker (sorting goes automatic, all you need - just point to folder with your mod, no more this awful one-by-one adding with DatMan). There is no GUI and no need in one because dat2 can be used as a packer/unpacker for MultiArc plugin for FAR and Windows/Total Commander file managers. But if you want, you can write a GUI shell for it.

Not sure about Fall1 dats. Sources included. Author: Anchorite, TeamX.
Raven_2 said:
It`s a .dat console packer/unpacker (sorting goes automatic, all you need - just point to folder with your mod, no more this awful one-by-one adding with DatMan).

YES!!! :clap: I have to build dats very regularly as I test things and I'm so glad to see this. Hats off to teamx :notworthy:

> There is no GUI

Good. I develop software all day (before I come home and do it all night LOL) and I never use GUI tools unless I have to. Command line rules for development.

> you can write a GUI shell for it.

Or better yet a shell script.

Thank you Anchorite, TeamX.

EDIT: I see that this dat packer supports different compression rates from 1-9, with the default being 9 (best compression) for a tradeoff of speed. Does this mean the game will run slower at higher compression rates?

EDIT: This dat2 utility is the sweetest thing I've used in a while. For development/testing among different people we've decided to keep the criiter art, scripts, and text files (in data and text directories) outside of the DAT because they are changed frequently. But for me this has been a real pain to make releases, especially since making dats is so hard with datexplorer. But I just made one batch file that does everything, including splitting the parts out of the dat and into a separate zip file for upload, and making the dat and zipping it up for upload. Anchorite/TeamX just saved me probably 20-30 minutes per build by allowing command line operation. I have wished I had this tool every day.
>> Does this mean the game will run slower at higher compression rates?

All standart dats was compressed on 9. In any case, gzip decompresion is very fast and I see no reason to drop compress rate, cause main slowdown is from disk reading, not from unpack.
So... maybe we could repack the original DAT files in the full install. It wont matter on a modern computer. Might help slow it down some.

Can a mod/admin upload these :)

oh and good work Team-X
Hey this is a great tool, big thanks Raven, finally no more Datman one by one file adding :D.

But I just made one batch file that does everything, including splitting the parts out of the dat and into a separate zip file for upload, and making the dat and zipping it up for upload.

hmm nice idea, will do the same :o
to dude_obj

>>Anchorite, TeamX

:-) I mean by that Anchorite from TeamX, not Anchorite and TeamX :-) He is much like Abel: doesn`t do actual modding, only explore how things works. TeamX R&D department :-)

Last works by Anchorite: doc on lifts offsets in engine, doc on fon-files (and app for reading), dat2, sources for compile.exe (he append some stuff to KA-compiler sources and get this). Now he works on new version of decompiler. Must be a great tool too :-)

BTW, do you plan to add music/sfx/speech to your mod? We do this for NV. There were one trouble: acm are prety big and total size of mod was ~25mb (russian version, there are many dial-up peoples in Russia). And now it ~11mb. What`s the catch? We convert all of the acm to wav and wav to ogg, wrote ogg2acm.bat, which use Abel wav2acm and oggdecode app from vorbis-tools pack. User unpack the mode, run bat and it convert to acm and install all music/sfx/speech files and then delete originals.
At last, the days of packing dats file by file in alpha-numeric order are over..:shock:

My compliments to the Team-X guys.. Keep up the good work guys.. :notworthy:
Raven_2 said:
BTW, do you plan to add music/sfx/speech to your mod?

We already have many new weapon sounds that corpse created, and I combined some critter sounds from FoT with FO2 sounds. And yes the acms are getting very large. I have a batch file that copies in the original FO2 sndlist and runs regsnd to make updates easy. I will look into ogg if it can save us space. We have also had some problems with acm files (clicking sounds) but that may have been due to the formats and encoding bitrate we were using before conversion to acm. I will look into ogg, thanks.

EDIT: We have 586 acms in our patch! Yes I think we need ogg. And we now have over 3500 files in the mod. Yep its getting big, but it's going to be good :)