Another day, another S.T.A.L.K.E.R. preview.


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
Another preview of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s multiplayer, handled this time by IGN. Nothing new to say, they simply reiterate all the previous previews.

<blockquote>The stripped down multiplayer time we got with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. left us impressed with the game's graphics and realistic feel. The straight up deathmatch we ran let us get familiar with the weapons and design of the abandoned city/industrial map we were on. Since the game is set at the site of a fictitious second nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, the weaponry in the game is decidedly Russian. The default pistol is incredibly wimpy, as it is in most shooters, but we got a kick out of the assault rifle, literally. Laying down a constant stream of fire will cause your aim to become more wild so that you end up spraying in a general area. That's great if you're laying down cover fire, but not so good if you need to pop some opponents who are looking to do the same to you. You're compelled to fire in controlled bursts, just like they train soldiers to do in the real world.</blockquote>Link: IGN's S.T.A.L.K.E.R preview
Found at: Duck and Cover
From the descriptions, it (multiplayer for stalker) sounds like a postapocalyptic counterstrike -- except rambo style play is encouraged instead of team work. If every person is on their own, then i pity tne n00bs to the game, because no kills apparently = nomoney. And since there are no teams and thus no rewards from completing a team objective...

well you can see where i'm going with this.
Actually, the Deathmatch mode is only one of several multiplayer options. I'm not sure how many modes exactly, because the previewer can't count. He says there are five, one of which hasn't been revealed, but then only lists three modes.

GameSpy said:
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will have five multiplayer modes, one of which is yet to be revealed. The ones we know about are as follows: deathmatch, a team variant on this, and "Capture the Artifact." This last one, as you'd assume, is a CTF variant. Rather than rushing to infiltrate an enemy team's base to capture a static flag, however, the object of the rush will be an artifact -- basically, a valuable irradiated object -- whose position will change as the game progresses.

Like Counter-Strike, you purchase weapons, armor, and items between matched. However, GameSpy also reveals that you can take weapons off bodies.

GameSpy said:
Just like in many games of this type, you're able to purchase weapon, armor, and accessories in between rounds, with the amount of funds at your disposal varying depending on how well you perform. You can't carry many weapons, but the primary functions of one of the armor types actually increases your carrying capacity. This item, called the "exoskeleton," is somewhat prohibitively expensive in the game's current state, which suggests that it will be something of a high-end item. Luckily, there is one other way to acquire equipment, apart from purchasing it: to pick it off the bodies of your defeated opponents.
Kotario said:
Actually, the Deathmatch mode is only one of several multiplayer options. I'm not sure how many modes exactly, because the previewer can't count. He says there are five, one of which hasn't been revealed, but then only lists three modes.

Like Counter-Strike, you purchase weapons, armor, and items between matched. However, GameSpy also reveals that you can take weapons off bodies.

sounds exciting, makes me want to go and play cs again :obsessed: