Another RL Weapons Mod? I think not!


Night Watchman
Staff member
Mikael Grizzly started work on a mod that will rid Fallout 2 of (most) real-life weapons once and for all, and replace them with ones fleshed anew:<blockquote>Following my urge to replay Fallout 2, again, I decided to alter some of the in-game texts and protos to fit in better. The altered weapons are all those pesky real-life guns and the Bozar. </blockquote>Finally, after all these years, a mean to have Fallout-themed weapons in Fallout 2. So drop by the Modding forum and tell us what you think.

Link: Fallout 2 Canonical Weapons Mod (early version), Fallout 2 Canon tuning Thread at the Forum
zioburosky13 said:
Will it be included in the next megamod 7 :?:

I have already been in contact with Mikael Grizzly, and he has no problems with me adding it to the next version, Megamod 2.0 (hopefully to be uploaded by the end of the month).