Anyone else play Crysis: Warhead?

It was pretty short, but I was expecting that. Not much shorter than CoD4 though. I enjoyed it but it is not something that will stick in my mind as a particularly memorable experience.
It was an alright length for an expansion. I was entertained by it too, but I hate Crytek's storytelling "skills". Those cutscenes that were meant to be "emotional" seemed laughable for me.
Well at least with Crysis better job than with Far Cry was done, especially in voice acting department.

EDIT: One more thought. Did anyone else found it funny that Crytek seemingly didn't want to make themselves look like idiots by locking highest settings only to be available in Vista this time around, but changed names of settings, like Enthusiast, Gamer, Mainstream? Those are the most terrible names for settings I have ever seen too.
Jesus, yeah I thought those setting were so lame. As far as the cut scenes go I was disappointed too, I liked that in Crysis you never left the first person...the whole game was fun and all but it really just felt like fan service "Oh here is a Gatling gun, oh here is a BIGGER grenade launcher and here are MORE KOREANS! and ORANGE ALIENS ooohhh!"
Crytek needs to learn how to make a propel game. Crysis's engine feels dirty and tied together with a rubber band, not fully optimized.

If they want to do a side story, better release it FREE for those who buy their game. Not releasing it. :roll:
Actually I think Cryengine 2 is pretty smooth, given how impresive it looks and how much it can render at the same time. I think it may even be the best engine for future games so far. I'd prefer Fallout 3 done on this engine instead of that shitty engine Bethesda uses now.
I'd surely like to see games in the future use this engine to it's full potential. And not only shooters.