Anyone here speak Russian?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Sorry, this only just fits the modding catagory guys.

I I'm translating the 'Lip' File format dock from Team-X into English, only thing is I dont speak Russain soI have been using an online translation program. But I'm stuck on a couple of words. So any help would be appreacaited.

The first is "The size (байты)" - I think it is "The size (in bits)" but I need confirmation on this.

I can make out the top row of headings as something like "good mood, nuetral mood, and bad mood) but I dont know what the left hand colume headings are.

Thanks in advance for any help guys.
The first is translated as "The size (in bytes)".
You've correctly translated the table heading. And the words in the left coumn are "Silence" and "Talk".
Thanks, as always you're a living legend ABel :)


Is the top one 'talking' and the bottom one 'silence'?