Anyone Interested in Strategy Game Multiplayer?

First of all, quality post, 10/10 really opens up discussion.

If by 4X you mean something like Europa IV, @Vergil has a hard-on for that game, he literally never stops playing it. He skips elementary school to play it even. He reveres it, worships it, makes every nation white in it, and never stops sending me screenshots of his escapades within it, ever. The game is his fetish. So ask him.
If by 4X you mean something like Europa IV, @Vergil has a hard-on for that game, he literally never stops playing it. He skips elementary school to play it even. He reveres it, worships it, makes every nation white in it, and never stops sending me screenshots of his escapades within it, ever. The game is his fetish. So ask him.
I don't do that!
Now look at my Reich!
First of all, quality post, 10/10 really opens up discussion.

Thank you. I can tell you're really being sincere there.
If by 4X you mean something like Europa IV

I meant any kind of strategy game really. Europa, Crusader Kings, Civilization 5, Medieval 2 Total War are all titles that spring to mind.
Now look at my Reich!

Pretty Pathetic tbh. Less of a "reich", more of a "rash".
Meh, this Reich is petty. Leading Hitlerite Germany through victory, engulfing France and all Europe (apart from fucking little England)... that is a victory!
Well, I'm not sure Europa would really work for multiplayer. But, if anyone is down for Civ 5, let me know. I've got an itch that only crushing one of you feeble plebs beneath my boot-heel can scratch.
I have Civ V with all DLCs and expansions if you're interested. @TorontRayne If he has both expansions he can disable the expansion/extra DLC you don't have and you can still play together so that's not really an issue, it just involves him turning some things off.
Do you have both expansions? I only have the first one.

Yeah, I have both expansions. But as Ragemage said, it's a simple matter of disabling them when playing with broke ass niggas who can't afford the whole set.
I have Civ V with all DLCs and expansions if you're interested.

Awesome. I may PM you guys later on and we can sort something out.
Did someone say Civ 5? Fucking casuals... where is Civ 4 in this?

I have that shit on disc, mang. The best thing about it was the scenarios tbh.
Alpha Centauri.

Y'know sometimes It feels like I just imagined that game ever existed. That's how uncommon it is for someone else to even have heard about it. I have it on disc in a box somewhere... do you know if it's available for download anywhere?
I really do like Civ 5 the best, but I remember playing the original at school. It has progressed quite a bit since then.