Anyone willing to sell their Fallout 2 big box ?


First time out of the vault
I thought I would try asking the fallout community if they have a copy of Fallout 2 for sale (american version) still in it's big box and with all advertisements, the manual and disk in very good or above shape.

Also, if you have the Simtek 1000 and / or the Vault dweller's Survival Guide hardcover edition, I would be willing to discuss a price with you.

Please PM me if you are interested.

I don't know about the Survival Guide, but I do know that big box versions of the originals pop up now and again on Ebay. Fallout 1 is on there right now, but it's from the U.K though so postage might be a bit pricey, and it isn't the first U.S ones with the huge pullout box either :?

Hope that helps.
Yeah I have Fallout 1 U.S. version and Fallout 2 U.K. Version already. I used to have FO2 but i think my brother lost it on me.