Anything significant to this random encounter?


First time out of the vault
Hi. Long-time reader, first-time poster.

Playing FO2 the other day, I was wandering the desert when I activated a random encounter (w. the flashing lightning bolt, but NOT with the circle around it). The land had rocks organized into arrows pointing toward the center of the screen, where a pole with skulls adorning it stood. Also, there was a Bob's Gecko Stand kiosk there, too. I tried everything I could on the pole, but all I could actually do is look at it. Also, up at the top of the screen, as it scrolled up to the border where the exit grid lied, was another arrow of rocks pointing to a pot. I searched it, and it was empty. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had stumbled upon it before, and if I missed something significant there.
Alas, Kaghan, Per's Guide mentiones it not.

The encounter map is DESERT7.MAP and methinks there's nothing meaningful there except some bizzare symetrical use of scenery and the marking of the lavatory with a big arrow by whoever broke this camp.
Right. I'd already checked Per's Guide. Like I said, I've read this forum for a while. Every other question gets that response. Maybe there shouldn't even be a Fallout Game-Play Questions forum, just a big fat link to Per's Guides and a tutorial on how to use the Ctrl+F function on one's computer.
Methinks it's because he's not updateing it soon/anymore, besides, it's just a random, useless map. Nothing there=no reason to mention it.
If someone is likely to mention it, then there's a reason to dismiss it. I mean, include it. I mean... Argh, you get the picture :)
Well, my guide did come about after I bugged Steve Metzler to add more stuff to his and he eventually told me to stuff it (but a little more politely).
Well, I was being essentially flippant when I mentioned just providing a link to Per's guides and nothing more, but a valid concern was imbedded within what I said: how should one determine whether one's question is the sort that can be answered just by looking in Per's guides? I mean, granted, if someone asks a question with an unambiguous cut-and-dry answer like "where's the GECK?", I can see referring him to the guides (following the requisite thrashing, of course), but a ? such as "where's the best place (if there is such a place) to get Mentants?", I'm assuming that'd be acceptable. Right?

By the way, where IS the best place to get Mentants? The world is presently in the hands of a "special" kind of hero who needs the occasional boost.