AP displaying issue


First time out of the vault
Is it possible to solve the problem of not all APs displaying in FO1/2? I find it very confusing, since I don't know if I have 10 AP, 11 or 12 and if I have Bonus Move APs left or not...is it just a background FRM issue or is it an hard-coded problem?
As this belongs to the interface, it is a engine-thing that most likely could only be changed with some hax0ry.
Some workaround.
Hm, just an idea: is not possible to add some script-related function based on AP-storing variable to the character description? (This way it would be possible to display the APs in a message box instead of GUI. For example, the actual game date can be displayed this way.)
You could easily script something up to display your ap count at the start of each of your combat turns, and then each time your ap changes afterwards, while your ap+bonus move total was >= 10. It wouldn't really be the neatest solution though.

For changing the interface, recycling the bonus move image would probably be the simplest option that doesn't require any new frm's. (i.e. since it's a different colour, you could put one one at the start to represent 5 ap or something.) I'm not sure how much extra space you could make by moving the dots closer together, but that would probably be easier from an engine hacking perspective, albeit it would need frm edits.
Or...maybe it's possible so "simplify" the FRMs, making them plain red/green/yellow/whatever circles so it would be easier to edit them and moving them closer to each other...I think it would save some space...but isn't it possible to just make the extra AP dots just take more space?
Timeslip said:
You could easily script something up to display your ap count at the start of each of your combat turns, and then each time your ap changes afterwards, while your ap+bonus move total was >= 10. It wouldn't really be the neatest solution though.
Maybe when you examine yourself?
The problem is that then when you examine someone else you'll see their AP even w/out Awareness...or am I saying bullcrap?
You have to add the piece of code to the dude_obj script, then it only works for you.