Apple squashes free speech?


Looks like Apple is suing a small publisher for prereleasing some details on it's new tech.

The thing is that the tip came from an anonymous source, is true, and the publisher is apparently small time. The guy has little to do but to either close down is news site or promise not to write about Apple. But the lawsuit is apparently bullshit- Apple is just trying to get him to stop with legal fees.

Is this what we can expect from large computer companies who are so desperate to make a buck? Is this counterproductive? And what kind of effect do you think this will have on news sites?

Morning Edition, January 24, 2005 · Before Apple Computer's big Expo earlier this year, a 19-year old Harvard student named Nicolas Ciarelli posted rumors about the company's latest products on his Web site. To Ciarelli, his scoop was good journalism. But Apple sued, saying "the protection of our trade secrets is crucial" to the company's success. The Web site publisher now has a lawyer to defend against the compaint.

also -,1759,1748605,00.asp
*shrugs* Apple's pissed because someone leaked info, but when a journalist gets info, they publish it. I doubt Apple will win, and the kid already has an attorney working Pro Bono for him.
With luck the lawyer will rip apple a new one,but I doubt it.

Heh, apple shouldve done nothing other than hunt the leak.
well in a previous lawsuit, they actually did about the same. it ended up with the judge revealing which rumours were real aka "trade secrets" & which were false in his verdict...

great job Mac!
Malkavian said:

I sure hope they don't sue me!

Hilarious, and apropos of those pieces of "hardware".Including the iBrator.

The only thing I can think about the second pic is a new caption of "Kink Different", given that is a very anime-looking girl and notoriously enough, many smut artists use Macs over PCs. :)

I am only grumbling because I don't have the time to make it so, including the addition of several must-needed background objects in color. :twisted:
Apple IS like Microsoft.

There used to be a great long article on this (it was actually about the history of the computer and a dozen other things as well), but I seem to have lost the link.

Apple basically is like Microsoft just that they lure their customers into thinking they're "alternative" and thus not actually customers of an evil megacorporate empire like those Microsoft customers.

It's all too true actually. Apple is like the avant garde version of Microsoft. They got the nicer shell, but in the end they are just the same.
Hmm... in fact it is: If you have a PC and don't like Windows you can switch to Linux, if you are depeniding on Apple Computers and don't like MacOS you can... well... go home and play with you joystick.
Or switch to Linux as well. Almost every distribution is available in PowerPC(=processor used in Macs) as well.
But then Macs are also more expensive than PC equivalent systems. Unless you're in graphic design, there's still no point in getting a Mac, even if you can use Linux.

IamBradylama: daaaaaaaamn
IamBradylama: Must own.
PlayUpPomps: i wanted a laptop
PlayUpPomps: but so much moneeyyyy
PlayUpPomps: i wanted a mac
PlayUpPomps: but ibooks only go up to 1024x800 resolution
PlayUpPomps: unacceptable
IamBradylama: Its unacceptable that you wanted a mac.
PlayUpPomps: stfu :-(
IamBradylama: blolblolblol
Sander said:
Or switch to Linux as well. Almost every distribution is available in PowerPC(=processor used in Macs) as well.

Too bad about only having one mouse button, still. Or did Apple try to innovate the "triple-click"? :twisted:
You can actually just use normal USB mice on most Macs from what I know. I did this a few times with the evil iCraps at school. *shudders*
Apple, 'The Other' Forbidden Fruit

Apple, 'The Other' Forbidden Fruit

... Heh, apple shouldve done nothing other than hunt the leak.

If the corporate culture at Apple was 'truly' committed to (pardon the cliche) "'thinking outside of the box'" , it might have found a less traditional way to extort the source of the leak.

We can trust that since Apple is a corporate entity, like any other stock traded techno firm, it is populated by the same cookie cutter 'suits' that could sit in any other executive seat. 'Reptilian' thinking will seek the usual legal arm twisting and threaten a future life of eternal poverty, and a homeless death via tuberculosis and, or hypothermia.

Would we expect ANY other action by corporate divinities that have more 'legal' resources, and therefore MORE legal rights than the individual - air breathing - citizen?

There may be a way out for the 'freelance' journalist.

In our post industrial, television ethics, business politics , -- village --, image and perception, are more important than "reality".

If Apple's bean counters and market-eers divined, from their herbal tea leaves, that this legal action tarnished the "i-product' in the eyes of the stereotypical Mac bliss ninny,
then the legal dogs might furiously bark after the 'cat that is already out of the bag', and then go chase frisbees.


Since the last days of the Amiga, I've had access to enough used PC and Mac hardware that I've dabbled in both. Have constructed more than several PC "houses of cards". Know too well the limits of the bargain beige Motorola. 020, 030 and 040, Mac's of old. As far as Dell, HP, AND Compaq go, expansion was usually impossible, unjustifiably expensive, or too time consuming to negotiate the MicroSoft factor. If I wanted to be held hostage by proprietary hardware, I would rather have a Mac.

Guess I'm just another one of those ""h-A-ters"".

During the last days of the Beige G3's, when OS 10 was possible, Apple had already gone to standard PC sources for hard drives and ram. USB and Firewire allowed access to more vendors of peripherals. Two monitors were never a problem. Common hardware has lowered the price of upgrading. On line outlets offer 'oem' versions of Mac OS 10 for any local used bargain, rescued from the digital equivalent of being rendered into glue.

It was my frustrating experience with the first beta of XP Pro that
decided that the laptop I wanted for my travels in 2003 would be a Mac.

Yes it was 'expensive', at least $500 more than a full featured PC laptop that had a DVD burner. The main selling point was it wasn't OS-ed by MicroSoft's latest "Beta", and I would be less likely to be trojan-ed or virus-ed.

I've never had to ""F-disk"', and have no idea if my system back up will ever be used.

Games? If you are not a snob about flaunting the latest fashion, AND PAYING for that privilege to mince out ""ASUS this ... and NVIDA that"". than
a cheap, and or, used PC will handle the best of , last year's, or the year before, must have title, hot from the bargain bin.


""Apple"" products may be 'forbidden fruit' for many. When the used market, or new price point improves maybe some can consider as a second PC, 'a Mac'
as word processor work horse, and ''on line'' nag.

What would the knowledge of "good and evil" be worth without role playing the Old Bible's tale of bait and switch in the saga of FO?

FO and FO2 have been available for Mac OS 10 for years.

Can you say the same about your PS2 or Xbox?

Or, outside of the last minted by I-play, or an obscure, unofficial bundling, will FO/FO2 be available for the PC at any retail "point of sale"?

Funny, if the last 'Chosen One" to play FO, before that Apocalyptic "last call", will do it on a Mac.
