Apply for MODDER status


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
You've probably noticed some people have "MODDER" next to their name. This is a usergroup with special site privileges. Qualifying for the modder usergroup is simple... you have to have made a mod. If you are a person who has made a mod and when you look at your name you don't see "Modder" under it... well, you're not in the group and should post in this thread to let me know.

"What is the point of being in the modder group?"

- Let other people know that you are a modder, distinguishing you from regular users
- Gives you access to our downloads area where you can upload and moderate all your own files with no space or bandwidth limit. Upload as many Fallout mod files as you like, of any size.
Of course! Let me know if you have any questions about the downloads area or need anything done (more categories , changes, fixes etc).