[Arcanum] Alternate Endings???


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Alternate Endings???

I've just realised something. I did the whole game as a techie and for the end 'You know who' gave me a quest to get the 'Vendigroth Device' that I could use to kill 'you know who else'.

But... Did anyone play as a mage? I reckon that there would be a different ending for you wouldn't there? I mean, giving a mage a techie device isn't going to be any use? So what do mages have to get before they enter 'you know where'???

Moo.... Moo... I'm an Interplay cow!
RE: Alternate Endings???

>I've just realised something. I did
>the whole game as a
>techie and for the end
>'You know who' gave me
>a quest to get the
>'Vendigroth Device' that I could
>use to kill 'you know
>who else'.
>But... Did anyone play as a
>mage? I reckon that there
>would be a different ending
>for you wouldn't there? I
>mean, giving a mage a
>techie device isn't going to
>be any use? So what
>do mages have to get
>before they enter 'you know

There's no different ending for mages. I finished the game with a thief character (neither magickal, nor tech) and a mage diplomat and I had to defeat the end boss the same way. I even tried solving the game by talking as my character was a master in persuasion, but in the end I had to fight it out.
RE: Alternate Endings???

I've seen that you can talk your way out of this fight aswell.


Nunc ut nunquam