Water Chip? Been There, Done That

Arcanum - Fantastic but....
Just my few small gripes on Arcanum. A fantastic game but these are the few things that pissed me off.
1. Spells in combat. Whenever a follower cast one or I cast one the game would stop while it loaded the effect. It would be nice if the spell was either preloaded or loaded faster. Mainly because it is rather annoying when you're attacking 5-6 bad things and we all stop and wait and then stop and wait again while we cast another spell.
2. Followers hating me. Just cause I initiate combat I get followers complaining. Even though I'm attacking a ghoul. Like, good-hearted person? Me thinks not.
3. Flicking through the journal to get to the last quest. Can't we just have a jump to end button please??? So I don't have to pass all my completed quests. Particularly the rumours & notes pages. They just get too much to flick through.
4. Virgil casting heal spells on me. Like hello? Moron? There I am, full Tech aptitude (no thanks to my Doctorate in Gun-Smithy, Mechanical and Smithy) there's no way in hell that spells are gonna work on my sorry ass but that doesn't stop Virgil from passing out trying.
5. Tech characters using their healing salves on me. Like what is this? Can't I heal myself? If I need healing I'll use my own damn supplies. I don't need them to be wasting their supplies on me.
6. Mage/Spell characters. They are so easy to kill. I wasted the entire city of Tulla twice (Hey, it took me a while to realise I was stepping on force instead of necromantic white) and not one of them cast a spell. Well, some tried, but they passed out before they did anything serious. I actually had full-on mages attacking me with their fists. Like, if you're a mage, act like one. (This might have changed since the patch)
7. THERE IS NO INDEX/CONTENTS PAGE IN THE MANUAL. Need I say more? It would be nice to know what pages the spell I was after was on, or the tech description I wanted was on without having to flick through the entire book. (Well, the last half of the book anyway).
8. The ending. Of all the places I had been and all the things I had done. I only got 6 different frames. No mention of Caladon, Dernholm, Tulla, Q'intara, Dark Elves and a few others. Okay, this somewhat relies on quests but couldn't I at least get a mention from them?
As a last thought... Anyone attempting to make their own mod?
Moo... Moo... I'm an Interplay cow.
Just my few small gripes on Arcanum. A fantastic game but these are the few things that pissed me off.
1. Spells in combat. Whenever a follower cast one or I cast one the game would stop while it loaded the effect. It would be nice if the spell was either preloaded or loaded faster. Mainly because it is rather annoying when you're attacking 5-6 bad things and we all stop and wait and then stop and wait again while we cast another spell.
2. Followers hating me. Just cause I initiate combat I get followers complaining. Even though I'm attacking a ghoul. Like, good-hearted person? Me thinks not.
3. Flicking through the journal to get to the last quest. Can't we just have a jump to end button please??? So I don't have to pass all my completed quests. Particularly the rumours & notes pages. They just get too much to flick through.
4. Virgil casting heal spells on me. Like hello? Moron? There I am, full Tech aptitude (no thanks to my Doctorate in Gun-Smithy, Mechanical and Smithy) there's no way in hell that spells are gonna work on my sorry ass but that doesn't stop Virgil from passing out trying.
5. Tech characters using their healing salves on me. Like what is this? Can't I heal myself? If I need healing I'll use my own damn supplies. I don't need them to be wasting their supplies on me.
6. Mage/Spell characters. They are so easy to kill. I wasted the entire city of Tulla twice (Hey, it took me a while to realise I was stepping on force instead of necromantic white) and not one of them cast a spell. Well, some tried, but they passed out before they did anything serious. I actually had full-on mages attacking me with their fists. Like, if you're a mage, act like one. (This might have changed since the patch)
7. THERE IS NO INDEX/CONTENTS PAGE IN THE MANUAL. Need I say more? It would be nice to know what pages the spell I was after was on, or the tech description I wanted was on without having to flick through the entire book. (Well, the last half of the book anyway).
8. The ending. Of all the places I had been and all the things I had done. I only got 6 different frames. No mention of Caladon, Dernholm, Tulla, Q'intara, Dark Elves and a few others. Okay, this somewhat relies on quests but couldn't I at least get a mention from them?
As a last thought... Anyone attempting to make their own mod?
Moo... Moo... I'm an Interplay cow.