[Arcanum] How's this for a background

JR Jansen

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
How's this for a background

I thought this one up and it looks rather good.

Peeping Tom

Restrictions : none (hey, even women can do it)

explanation :
You have always been interested in members of the other sex, especially when they had no clothes on. You frequently spied on them and this often from dark locations. Therefor you get a hugh bonus to perception (+5). You also had to be quiet and it couldn't always be done outside. You hade to break into peoples home from time to time. Therefor you get a bonus to prowling and lockpicking. But, nobody likes a pervert. Well, unless other perverts but they don't count. You get a drop in charisma (-5) and incur a penalty with persuasion and haggle.

What do you think


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: How's this for a background

>I thought this one up and
>it looks rather good.
>Peeping Tom
>Restrictions : none (hey, even women
>can do it)
>explanation :
>You have always been interested in
>members of the other sex,
>especially when they had no
>clothes on. You frequently spied
>on them and this often
>from dark locations. Therefor you
>get a hugh bonus to
>perception (+5). You also had
>to be quiet and it
>couldn't always be done outside.
>You hade to break into
>peoples home from time to
>time. Therefor you get a
>bonus to prowling and lockpicking.
>But, nobody likes a pervert.
>Well, unless other perverts but
>they don't count. You get
>a drop in charisma (-5)
>and incur a penalty with
>persuasion and haggle.
>What do you think
>Nunc ut nunquam

That's great. :D
RE: How's this for a background

Thought so. Good background for the lone gunnman.


Nunc ut nunquam
There's one thing I dislike

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-01 AT 08:47PM (GMT)[p]Troika did a good job of making all of the stats and skills in Arcanum useful, and as a result I think they have way too many backgrounds in which the negative side outweighs the positive side. Although yours isn't as bad as a lot of Troika's, with negatives to persuasion and haggle, I'd only take 4 off of charisma.
RE: There's one thing I dislike

>[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-01
>AT 08:47 PM (GMT)
>Troika did a good job of
>making all of the stats
>and skills in Arcanum useful,
>and as a result I
>think they have way too
>many backgrounds in which the
>negative side outweighs the positive
>side. Although yours isn't
>as bad as a lot
>of Troika's, with negatives to
>persuasion and haggle, I'd only
>take 4 off of charisma.

That's true. For my thief character I didn't pick a background at all because I thought the drawbacks of the one background good for a thief (feral child) didn't outweigh the good.
RE: There's one thing I dislike

I saw a LOT of backgrounds that made me say "If I were playing a character that didn't use combat AT ALL, then that would be a good background." Likewise, there were several that made me wonder why anyone would want to play through the game without performing any quests, just slaughtering everyone, because it seemed like that's all they'd be useful for. Considering the depth possible with the chargen, I was pretty disappointed with the backgrounds.
RE: There's one thing I dislike

You're right. At first i was thinking that it should be balanced. Give one, take one. But know i'm thinking that a background should be some sort of bonus. So maybe taking 4 of charisma is better then 5.


Nunc ut nunquam