[Arcanum] Looking Forward To Arcanum.

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Looking Forward To Arcanum.

I have the Arcanum demo from Computer Gaming World and the game made me think one thing....Wow. This game is how do you say a return to fallout. Thank you very much Troika. I understand that the game is not set in the fallout atmosphere but the important thing is that Arcanum has the essence and spirit of fallout in it. They made an RPG everything it has to be. From the demo so far i have determined that That the ability to make a defining carachter(sp?) returns. Wether you want to be a Strong as an ox, half-ogre who ran off and joined the circus, a Magic weilding Elf or a Filthy rich halfling who inherited all sorts of money, it doesn't matter. All or successful. I love the addition of technology. It is so cool to have a half ogre who pretty much uses his first 4 or 5 levels just to improve int. and ch. and then later make a well balanced sword. It is so much fun to see your ogre hit wolves for 23 hitpoints that fast. Also sending in skeletons with my elf was lots of fun. Somehow, i don't know how they did it, but Real-time is fun!? I know it surprised even me. After playing Diablo II i was totally turned off to real time combat. But Arcanum by making speed so important made it so in away it is turnbased. With their messages about crit. hits and misses it is great. I am really looking forward to this game.

Trying to wait patiently until August 23rd,
Rob Young of Arroyo
RE: Looking Forward To Arcanum.

The combat system still hasn`t convinced me fully, my problem i guess, i need to adapt.
The real time mode still doesn´t appeal to me, i`ll be in turn-based for sure.
The rest is brilliant.
RE: Looking Forward To Arcanum.

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jun-23-01 AT 12:42PM (GMT)[p]I forgot to mention that i still missed an easy turn based combat system. nowhere on your weapons does it say anything about how much ap it take and turn based confused me (never really tryed to hard to figure it out, it was a waste of time with my ogre who killed everything with one hit).With my Elven mage i liked to use t.b. combat. Still i have to admit arcanum has the best real-time combat i have seen.
RE: Looking Forward To Arcanum.

>I forgot to mention that i
>still missed an easy turn
>based combat system. nowhere on
>your weapons does it say
>anything about how much ap
>it take and turn based
>confused me

Yes,i thought it was a litle confusing, but i`ve played it without manuals or walkthroughs, when the retail version appears probably things will be clearer

(never really tryed
>to hard to figure it
>out, it was a waste
>of time with my ogre
>who killed everything with one

AH, that`s too easy ;-)