[Arcanum] Man this sucks

JR Jansen

Water Chip? Been There, Done That
Man this sucks

When you kill a good person, your own good party members complain, right. Well, what the hell am i supposed to do when you get attacked by a "good" person for no other reason then being where i am ? Stand there, like a moron and get killed ? This happened to me in two places so far. In Kree where one of those barbarians jumped the gun so to speak and in the Black mountain mines where some half ogre bandit was considered a "good" person far crying out loud. If they are such good citizens wouldn't they at least talk to you before jumping on your ass and if they do attack for no good reason shouldn't you be able to defend yourself without getting penalties for it? Oh and my own rep is positief so it can't be because of a bad rep.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Man this sucks

Especially Magnus seems to have a bad sense of whether someone is good or bad... I just use a fate point for a good reaction from my followers, since I had a lot of them to spare. I keep saving them for "when I really need them", but in the end I didn't need them at all except for these reaction boosts.
RE: Man this sucks

I used one for a critical chance at lockpick in the zooological society (sp) in Tarant to lockpick that one chest. Oh, and how do you earn these fate points.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Man this sucks

>I used one for a critical
>chance at lockpick in the
>zooological society (sp) in Tarant
>to lockpick that one chest.
>Oh, and how do you
>earn these fate points.
>Nunc ut nunquam

Simply by doing quests. Some quests earn you a fate point, some don't.
RE: Man this sucks

"When you kill a good person, your own good party members complain, right. Well, what the hell am i supposed to do when you get attacked by a "good" person for no other reason then being where i am ? Stand there, like a moron and get killed ? This happened to me in two places so far. "

I had that with everyone. But mostly when I attacked human characters. I think the problem is that *YOU* initiated the combat (yes, even though they were going to kill you anyway). What I find is I let them attack me then I blow their heads off with my elephant gun (that used to be loking glass rifle until I downloaded the patch. Did you know the LG-Rifle used to do 40-40 damage? As well as 40-40 fatigue? And the old elephant gun used to do 10-30. Kind of good that patch fixes that one up) Although my problem was with Virgil near the end he was on 16 dislike and my goodnedd/badness meter (whatever you call it) was at +99. I also had some dwarf following me who's hatred was -23 but he never left or attacked me.

Better yet. If you want to avoid these sorts of things, just do what I did. Go to the Wheel Clan and buy steam engines. Keep Waiting for a day and buying more and more. Than build 4-5 automatons (once you've made the elite platemail). Then sit back and watch your minions do the thumping! Unfortunately they can't carry anything though. And if they get injured, just sleep until morning that always fixed them for some reason (unless they changed that with the patch too).
RE: Man this sucks

Not always. Those barbarians in Kree and that ogre bandit in the black mountain clan attacked me first and still some of my party members complained.


Nunc ut nunquam
RE: Man this sucks

>Not always. Those barbarians in Kree
>and that ogre bandit in
>the black mountain clan attacked
>me first and still some
>of my party members complained.
>Nunc ut nunquam

Also Kite warriors and some undead are viewed as good by the game. A stupid bug that causes you to lose a positive reaction if you make an attack.