Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod announced


Vault Consort
Staff member
Once in a while a new project pops up that isn't just grand plans and presentation graphics, but that has already taken on form and substance. This is the case with Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod, announced recently in our modding forum.<blockquote>It is a total conversion mod, so it contains a new storyline, new NPCs, new towns, etc. The action takes place a few years after the events of Fallout 2 in the today's states of Oregon, Washington and Idaho.

You start out as a bartender in a bar called "Vault 13" (hence the outfit), in a boring little town of Duston. Soon enough you're sent on a special mission which will unleash a whole series of events. As is the theme of the majority of Fallout games, the plot will revolve around the basic resources that every human being needs.

I did my best to recapture the feeling of the original games. Thus, the quests offer multiple solutions for different types of characters, the NPCs react to your actions and the decisions you make have consequences which open and close certain doors. Since it's a Fallout 2 mod, there are also pop-culture references and dark humour.

There are also some new elements. I put more stress on unarmed and melee fighting. I intend to reintroduce the food system (but it's not in the demo). I also introduced a new character path - the scientist. You can now solve most quests using scientific skills such as science, repair, doctor, etc.</blockquote>There are not just plenty of screenshots that are included with some info in a promo pack but also a demo.<blockquote>The demo is only a demo, so take it easy with some things, such as the worldmap, the cutscenes, etc. Only three locations are completed for this build. The dumb path is not available yet, so don't play a dumb character. To cut a long story short, this is still work in progress.</blockquote>Given the intention of staying true to Fallout's design basics and the inclusion of 4-pixel chairs, it's safe to say the community will be watching this one.

Link: Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod @ NMA
Link: Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod @ The Vault modding wiki
Link: Ardent's Fallout 2 Mod demo download
Chris Parks said:
It looks nice. Hope he finishes it.

I too hope so! ;-)

@Per: BTW, if you play the demo, you'll discover plenty of rocks to collect in various, sometimes not-so-obvious places :mrgreen:

And big thanks for the newspost! :)
:shock: :shock: :shock: ...and I thought I was a big fan of Fallout

The sole idea that you actually found a way and enough will (not to mention shitloads of free time) to make a mod of such magnitude is simply astounding...and beyond belief.

I sure hope that this mod will see the light of day, because the stuff you showed us is more than promising, well done.

Full support here :wink:
Panker_u_sakou_starom said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: ...and I thought I was a big fan of Fallout

The sole idea that you actually found a way and enough will (not to mention shitloads of free time) to make a mod of such magnitude is simply astounding...and beyond belief.

I sure hope that this mod will see the light of day, because the stuff you showed us is more than promising, well done.

Full support here :wink:

Thank you very much! I never expected such a praise! Thank you! :-)

So, did you actually get a chance to play the demo? Any impressions will be much appreciated!
Ugh, no shocker that Spokane would become a den of sin and inequity. If I don't see some irradiated sea lions in Astoria, you can color me disappointed. Also, the truffle shuffle in some form or another.

terebikun said:
Ugh, no shocker that Spokane would become a den of sin and inequity. If I don't see some irradiated sea lions in Astoria, you can color me disappointed. Also, the truffle shuffle in some form or another.


Irradiated sea lions? Hmm, I'll have to think about that... ;-)

Truffle Shuffle might be a little hard to script, but I'll give it a shot.
UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
Downloading the demo now, I wonder if Corvallis is in the game.

Sorry to disappoint you, UFT, but it isn't. There's only Salem (disabled for the demo) and then there'll be a city more or less in the ruins of Eugene. Portland is just a collection of irradiated craters, etc.

Still, the mod's not yet finished, so you never know... ;-)
Ardent said:
There are also some new elements. I put more stress on unarmed and melee fighting.

What do you mean by this? I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to download the demo.

Hopefully I won't be too busy when your mod gets out, because it sounds fine.
Blackened said:
Ardent said:
There are also some new elements. I put more stress on unarmed and melee fighting.

What do you mean by this? I'm sorry, but I'm too busy to download the demo.

I've added some new melee and HtH weapons. I've limited access to firearms and ammo. All ammo comes in clips of 1, so you have to buy every single bullet. If you have a gun, you'll be visiting different merchants to actually buy 5-10 bullets maybe. Burst-firing is deadly to your pocket money :)

So, tagging unarmed or melee is a good choice.
Oh... I thought that melee and unarmed combat was totally different.

Anyway, nice change, since the original system is very imbalanced. You could try balancing the perks/skills also, since more than the half of them are useless in the original game.
Blackened said:
Oh... I thought that melee and unarmed combat was totally different.

No, not really. I don't quite have the processing powers to reinvent HtH combat.

Anyway, nice change, since the original system is very imbalanced. You could try balancing the perks/skills also, since more than the half of them are useless in the original game.

Yeah, I know. But if I ever do that, it's gonna happen much later, when my knowledge of Fallout engine/sfall capabilities is greater.

For now, I'm trying to offer more quest solutions, so you can actually use other skills (first aid, doctor, science, repair, traps, gambling). Some dialogue options depend on your skill level or on perks/traits that you have.

I also want to introduce the food system which will check your outdoorsman skill more often. And random encounters will be tougher, so you'll have to invest more skill points in this skill to travel safely.
Well maybe you don't have to go to all the work of animating a Truffle Shuffle (although you absolutely should), but I'm just stuck for any other interesting pop culture references there. All I can remember of the place is the Goonies Fest once a year, and so many sea lions on the docks that they have to rope it off.
Dear Ardent,

You damn rock! I mean, you really dead serious rock!

I have always dreamed about making FO of my own, so you have just made my dream come true for yourself - a fan made Fallout. Well done. I didn't have a chance to try out a demo, but the screenshots and parts of the dialogues look pretty convincing.

By the way, how did you cope with the technical issues outlined at, which have also contributed to that project's unfortunate demise?
egalor said:
Dear Ardent,

You damn rock! I mean, you really dead serious rock!

I have always dreamed about making FO of my own, so you have just made my dream come true for yourself - a fan made Fallout. Well done. I didn't have a chance to try out a demo, but the screenshots and parts of the dialogues look pretty convincing.

Thank you very much, Egalor, this is very kind :-)

By the way, how did you cope with the technical issues outlined at, which have also contributed to that project's unfortunate demise?

I think the two main advantages of my modding over FMF was:
1. I'm doing it solo.
2. I'm doing it much later than FMF.

Let me explain:

Ad.1.: Since I'm a solo modder, I need very little time to manage my team. I don't need to hold IRC sessions to discuss plot ideas, I don't have to negotiate with other writers what we want to include in the mod, I don't need to write motivational speeches, nor introduce new members.

If I need a map, or a dialogue, I don't need to wait until someone does it, I do it myself, and moreover, I don't need to wait for somebody to approve it, I just decide myself whether it's good enough or not.

And last but not least, I have no problem with keeping my builds up to date, I mean, I don't need a central FTP to hold my resources there for other members of the team to use. It's all on my PC and in the backups.

Ad.2.: FMF started out in 2002/03. I started my actual modding in 2009 (well, I did invent the general story back in 2003, and I had some experience in mapping, since I've been playing with mapmaking "just for fun", but the actual Ardent's Mod began in 2009). And this makes a whole lot of a difference.

The majority of technical problems encountered by the FMF team have been by now either solved or documented. There's a ton of tutorials I could learn from, and we now have some great tools, such as the Frame Animator, Fallout Script Editor or sfall, to name just a handful of them.

While "in the old days" FMF guys (and others as well) had to discover the problems, find solutions to them and test their findings, I only have to use the Search option in the NMA forum. It does make things easier :)