Are Movies a Social Barometer?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I made this last January for a class on the graphical representation of data. The graph should be self explanatory, since that was the point of the class. What I did was research the percentage of horror/thriller movies released in theatres and make connections to various things.


So, what do you think? Can we actually read something into this?[/img]
An interesting angle, in using horror/thriller movies. Perhaps the same could be done with war movies.
yeah, Horror movies today are usually just out for the quick buck. Every once in a while you get one with some thought it in but for the most part you follow the standard formula = Teenagers in some remote location, hot bitches get naked, and then some bloody stabbings. Throw in a "the killer was one of us" twist and throw it up on the big screen.
I would think war movies are more popular before a nation goes to war and less popular after.

War movies took a hit during the Vietnam War, and didn't make a come back until there were some serious, and very good, anti-war Vietnam War films (The Deerhunter, Apocalpyse Now, Boys in Company C, Full Metal Jacket). Even Rambo First Blood is an anti-war movie.

Horror might reflect social responses to current realities. The desire to see something fantastic that is terrifying as a means of releasing from the fears and horrors of real life. So thinks Stephen King in his book on the horror genre, Danse Macabre.