Armor-bypassing crits vs. toughness


First time out of the vault
Usually, the most common way to die in the late-game is an armor-bypassing critical that deals triple-digit damage. Supposedly (according to this thread), such criticals only ignore DT not resistance. Yet in my personal experience, (using the Red Ryder LE gun in FO1), such critical hits ignore both DT and DR.

Which is true? The Toughness perks seem pretty useless if they're bypassed by criticals.
weirwood said:
Which is true? The Toughness perks seem pretty useless if they're bypassed by criticals.
Not all criticals bypass armour, and there's only 2 useful perks at level 3 besides Toughness anyway.
Think of all the stimpaks you'll save in the long run!
There are many useful perks for those who arent combat only characters, or do not use Gifted, or do not make typical builds.

Stonewall. HTH build never got knocked over with it. Total count 8 times from levels 3-36. Made a tally. Without it, 10+ times before finishing the Den.

Just a pet peeve, the useless besides uber peepee builds