About armory:
I visited Simms in his house and picpocketed him for this key. Name of the key is something like 'Simms House Key' so it's not very obvious that it can be used to open Armory.
I waited till evening and went to Armory building. There was Simms standing near it [after Burke's dead and disarming bomb he seems to walk there more often] looking at the city. I pickpocketed him again and took his Chinese Assault Rifle... Then I went [sneaking just in case] to Armory,
When I was fighint with Deputy Steel I thought that Simms will come in to ai the robot. But no such thing occured. Strange since he was standing so close and should hear those five grenade explosions...

I remeber that in Oblivion sometimes NPCs came into buliding to aids fellows attaked by PC.
Daddl said:
You must shoot Burke as soon as you regain control after the scripted dialog between them, tho. Otherwise Simms is dead whether Burke actually got his shot off or not. That way Simms doesn't die and continues to patrol the town as usual.
Dialogue was scripted indeed, but I had control over my PC all the time. I could kill Lucien Lach... I mean Mr Burke whenever I wanted: at the beginning of their exchange of words, while Simms was talkig, while Burke was talking, just before he drwan his gun... etc. Nothing prevented me from opening VATS or simply starting to fire in real time. In fact I made an experiment and killed Burke with sledgehammer just in the middle of his conversation with good sheriif.
I also noticed during my Burke-Simms-experiments that this situation can have three outcomes:
[1] Simms can start to shoot to PC [rare outcome, I came across it once].
[2] Simms goes out the saloon and then behave like nothing ever happened [it happened if I killed Burke too soon, just after they started scripted talk].
[3] Simms goes out of the saloon and when met he then thanks PC for help.