Art... more or less...


First time out of the vault


I'm slowly but steadily building up enough practical talent to start work on a pulp comic series; these are my early prototypes for the main character.
pretty good, he kinda looks like the main char from 'they live'

crits, first pic, his gun arm should get a little bigger as it comes closer to the camera. perspective being what it is, and all. and he's missing a belly button and has a ginormous 8 pack. good job on the wrinkles though. the belt is lacking a buckle, but thats just nitpicking, really. i cant really tell the detail on the gun, but since i can tell that it IS a gun, thats really all you need. details are nice, but if you can get your point across, they really doesnt matter.

i dont see mich wrong with the second pic, just style issues, but since your style is pretty diff from mine i cant really say that its wrong, just different.

good job on both pics tho, hope to see more.
Thanks. It was "your" since you were indicating ownership of the style.

And he does have a bellybutton, you're just not looking hard enough. ;)
Spookyfish, a full collection of mutated toes! Horrigan, prepare to die...

The pics are good, just one detail that looks doubtful -- the thumb of the left arm, holding the gun (Deagle?) can't be that long.l