Vault Fossil

Hey fellas. A couple days ago i decided to continue my original story ASH. I hope this one is as good as the last. Please tell me what you think. i appreciate it.
Ash followed Lou down a white corridor and into a large doorway. Behind Ash were two mutants decked out in jet black uniforms. The uniforms were at least 3 sizes too small for the large beasts. One mutant held a massive piece of metal that Ash made out to be some form of advanced weaponry. The other held a large machine gun. Ash wasn’t too sure of the model. It looked pretty close to an M-60.
Lou opened the door and strolled into the large room. There was a big platform with lots of computers and electronic devices hooked up. Past that was a fence bridge that went from one side of the room to the other. Below the bridge were 4 huge tanks. The tanks were full of a strange liquid. It was bright yellow and it bubbled and spat out small bits here and there.
“Ahh,” Lou sighed, “My favorite part of the compound. This room is a part of history in the making. THIS is where it all began.”
“Get to the freaking point.” Ash muttered.
“Relax. It’s not like you have anywhere to be.” He paused. “Do you know what’s in those tanks down there?” asked Lou with a proud smile.
Ash glanced down. “Radioactive rat piss?”
Lou chuckled to himself. “You know, I was one of the first people to ever explore this place.”
Here we go, thought Ash. His goddamn life story.
“I was here with Master, Richard Grey back then, and we had organized a scouting party to find out what in the hell was in this place. Most of our party died trying to get in. Damn fools kept running into force fields. We didn’t know what they were back then. By the time we got to the second level there was only about 5 of us. Then all of a sudden this goddamn security robot popped out and unloaded on us. I took a 7.62mm round to my right eyeball. I remember the excruciating pain and then going out. When woke up I was lying on the floor next to this horrible mutated creature. Turns out that was Rich, but he had fell into that tank right over there and he came out all, well… he was pretty fucked up. He told me that after his “accident” that he rounded up all the dead bodies and wanted to see what the vats did to them. Luckily for him, when he found me I was still alive. Barely. So he dunked me in there and I came out mutated, not as much as him of course. But we found that the liquid in the vats transformed humans into a more advanced species. When we captured some live test subjects we tried it on them and it worked, but with some side affects. The results showed that even though the body was enhanced greatly, the chemicals had some effect on the thought process of the specimen. In short terms, the mutants were big, bad and dumber than hell. This chemical change is very unpredictable. It takes a large toll on some, and a less effect on others. Some times the chemical change doesn’t even occur, take ME for example. To this day, our scientists are working on a way to get rid of the side affect and if possible make the subjects SMARTER than before.”
“Will you listen to your self for a second? You’re seriously thinking of turning all the people in the world to these ugly ass things?” Ash said and pointed to the guard to the right of him. “And then what, you think we’re all just going to bow down and worship this nutball ‘Master’? I think the chemical change in you’re your fucking brain was a little more drastic than you thought.”
Lou’s grin straitened out. He signaled the guards and they grabbed both Ash’s arms to restrain him. Lou walked slowly towards Ash as he struggled to break the mutants’ incredible grip. Lou raised his fist and gave Ash a hard blow to the face. Ash collapsed leaving the two guards holding him up by his arms.
As soon as Ash regained use of his legs, he stood up. Blood was streaming freely out of his nose. He gave the lieutenant a cold hard look. Then all of a sudden it transformed into a wild grin.
“Lou, Lou, Lou. You know I’m gonna have to kill you know.”
Lou smiled and ordered the guards to take him to the corner till they were ready for him. The door slid open and a mutant waddled in.
Jesus, these guys just get uglier and uglier thought Ash.
“Lou. A normy want see you.” Said the mutant.
“What? What did he say harry?” asked Lou.
“Dunno. He came water house. I told him I take normies the Lou. He said ok.” Harry explained.
“Ah. Good work Harry. Bring him in please.”
With that hurry grunted happily and hurried out the door. A few minutes later Harry and another mutant came in with big man with a smooth metal casing around his whole body. The casing was gleaming in the light and looked like it could withstand a 200-megaton blast.
“What’s your name?” Inquired Lou?
“My name is None. I presume YOU are this Lou I hear so much about.” The man answered boldly.
Whoever the hell this guy is, he’s got some fucking balls. It’s not lookin good for both of us.
The man looked over at Ash and saw the dried blood all over his face.
“Who’s he?” Asked None.
“He’s a…project. Kind of like you are going to be.” Said Lou. “Let’s get down to business. We know you’re from a vault. We’re close to tracking it down. But you could save us a lot of time just by telling us.” Said Lou.
“But I if tell you Lou, that would take all the fun out of it.” Snickered None.
Lou began to get angry. “Listen you little shit. You WILL tell me where that vault is. And I’m not afraid to beat it out of you.”
Behind Lou, Ash could see someone in a dark purple robe walking towards them. But whoever it was, he too small to be a mutant. The robed figure was talking into a large green radio.
“Sir, team one is under fire. It sounds like The Brotherhood. 3 men down, we’re sending reinforcements.”
“Dammit! Send teams six, seven, and eight. Nobody gets in this compound!” Lou commanded.
Brotherhood, thought Ash. I didn’t even think those guys existed.
“Ok.” Said Lou. “This is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna-” He was cut off with a loud explosion that shook the place making everyone in the room fall to the ground.
Lou growled with fury. He looked at None to see him grinning proudly. Lou stormed to a wall of lockers, opened one and grabbed a large weapon similar to the one the mutant to his left held.
None saw Lou and drew is own weapon. He took aim and fired 3 fiery green shots at Lou but all missed. The green balls of energy smacked the lockers and computers behind Lou and made them dance with explosions and sparks. Lou fired a shot at None that barley missed his left ear. None turned and fired 2 shots in Ash’s direction and ran down the hall followed by Lou.. The first shot hit the mutant to the right, making a clean decapitation of the mutant. The second shot hit the mutant to the left of Ash Square in the chest. The green ball of energy consumed the mutant’s entire, body leaving it black and mangled. Both mutant corpses hit the ground at the same time. Ash reacted quickly, grabbing the heavy machine gun one mutant had held and headed down the hall.
When Ash got to where the action was, he could see None crouching behind some computers firing aimlessly at Lou. Lou was around another corner shooting back at None. More mutants were coming to reinforce Lou. Ash took aim and opened fire. Ash’s weapon sent a wave of bullets towards the mutants, dropping 3 of them. Lou caught a bullet in the left shoulder and ducked out of site. Lou popped back up and took a shot at Ash. As the green ball came flying towards Ash, he dove on his belly and returned fire back on Lou. More mutants began flowing that way.
“We gotta get the hell out of here!” Yelled None. “The exit is that way!” He pointed past Ash.
“Let’s go!” Hollered Ash. “I’ll cover ya!”
With that, None got up and bolted towards Ash. Ash continued laying down fire on Lou and the other mutants there. One mutant ran forward with an RPG. Ash knew it was time to go. He got up made a dash down the hallway. He looked back to see None following him close behind.
The explosion knocked him off his feet and sent him sliding 10 feet across the floor. He jumped to his feet and looked back to see what happened. He saw None laying face down. There was a large pile of debris behind him. Ash ran back and grabbed hold None. He begin to pull, only to realize that the weight of None’s armor weighed 3 times as much as his body. Discouraged he grabbed None by the bicep and shook violently.
“C’mon man get up! Get up, we got to get out of here!”
None moaned loudly and began to get up. Ash used all his strength to jerk him to his feet.
“This way.” Said None. He ran to the elevator and pushed the button.
The door slid open and a 7”1’, 350 pound mutant stood before them.
“Shit.” They said in unison.
The mutant looked down and stared at them. He grabbed both by the neck and lifted them off the ground. Struggling to breathe, Ash reached into his boot and grabbed knife. With a quick jab, he stuck the knife in the side of the mutant’s neck. The mutant screamed in agony and dropped to his knees. Bright red blood spewed out of the mutant’s neck. Ash and None jumped in the elevator and None pushed the button for level 1.
The doors slid open and 5 men with the same armor as None stood before them.
“We’ve cleared out the first level. Any sign of the Master?” Said the lead soldier.
“I don’t know.” Replied None. “You didn’t give me enough time. One thing is for sure. This is where they build their forces. They have the same technology here as we do at headquarters. I also saw where they make the actual mutants. We’re gonna have to take this place out. Guard all the elevators and make sure nothing gets out. Set charges all over this top level. I want there to be any possible entrances or exits. Is that understood?”
“Yes sir.”
The seven of them stood outside, 300 yard away from the base.
“Everything set?” Asked None.
“Yes sir.”
With a flip of a switch, the walls of the base blew outward and the roof collapsed down in a cloud of dust and debris.
“Hey, thanks for saving my ass.” Said None “What’s your name pal?”
“I’m Ash.” He said, extending his hand.
None took his hand and shook it. “You should be in the Brotherhood. Soldiers like you are hard to find.”
The End
Sure Ash could have joined the Brotherhood. He could have fought raiders and mutants. He could of saved towns and upheld justice. He could have been king.
But in a way, he already was king.
Ash followed Lou down a white corridor and into a large doorway. Behind Ash were two mutants decked out in jet black uniforms. The uniforms were at least 3 sizes too small for the large beasts. One mutant held a massive piece of metal that Ash made out to be some form of advanced weaponry. The other held a large machine gun. Ash wasn’t too sure of the model. It looked pretty close to an M-60.
Lou opened the door and strolled into the large room. There was a big platform with lots of computers and electronic devices hooked up. Past that was a fence bridge that went from one side of the room to the other. Below the bridge were 4 huge tanks. The tanks were full of a strange liquid. It was bright yellow and it bubbled and spat out small bits here and there.
“Ahh,” Lou sighed, “My favorite part of the compound. This room is a part of history in the making. THIS is where it all began.”
“Get to the freaking point.” Ash muttered.
“Relax. It’s not like you have anywhere to be.” He paused. “Do you know what’s in those tanks down there?” asked Lou with a proud smile.
Ash glanced down. “Radioactive rat piss?”
Lou chuckled to himself. “You know, I was one of the first people to ever explore this place.”
Here we go, thought Ash. His goddamn life story.
“I was here with Master, Richard Grey back then, and we had organized a scouting party to find out what in the hell was in this place. Most of our party died trying to get in. Damn fools kept running into force fields. We didn’t know what they were back then. By the time we got to the second level there was only about 5 of us. Then all of a sudden this goddamn security robot popped out and unloaded on us. I took a 7.62mm round to my right eyeball. I remember the excruciating pain and then going out. When woke up I was lying on the floor next to this horrible mutated creature. Turns out that was Rich, but he had fell into that tank right over there and he came out all, well… he was pretty fucked up. He told me that after his “accident” that he rounded up all the dead bodies and wanted to see what the vats did to them. Luckily for him, when he found me I was still alive. Barely. So he dunked me in there and I came out mutated, not as much as him of course. But we found that the liquid in the vats transformed humans into a more advanced species. When we captured some live test subjects we tried it on them and it worked, but with some side affects. The results showed that even though the body was enhanced greatly, the chemicals had some effect on the thought process of the specimen. In short terms, the mutants were big, bad and dumber than hell. This chemical change is very unpredictable. It takes a large toll on some, and a less effect on others. Some times the chemical change doesn’t even occur, take ME for example. To this day, our scientists are working on a way to get rid of the side affect and if possible make the subjects SMARTER than before.”
“Will you listen to your self for a second? You’re seriously thinking of turning all the people in the world to these ugly ass things?” Ash said and pointed to the guard to the right of him. “And then what, you think we’re all just going to bow down and worship this nutball ‘Master’? I think the chemical change in you’re your fucking brain was a little more drastic than you thought.”
Lou’s grin straitened out. He signaled the guards and they grabbed both Ash’s arms to restrain him. Lou walked slowly towards Ash as he struggled to break the mutants’ incredible grip. Lou raised his fist and gave Ash a hard blow to the face. Ash collapsed leaving the two guards holding him up by his arms.
As soon as Ash regained use of his legs, he stood up. Blood was streaming freely out of his nose. He gave the lieutenant a cold hard look. Then all of a sudden it transformed into a wild grin.
“Lou, Lou, Lou. You know I’m gonna have to kill you know.”
Lou smiled and ordered the guards to take him to the corner till they were ready for him. The door slid open and a mutant waddled in.
Jesus, these guys just get uglier and uglier thought Ash.
“Lou. A normy want see you.” Said the mutant.
“What? What did he say harry?” asked Lou.
“Dunno. He came water house. I told him I take normies the Lou. He said ok.” Harry explained.
“Ah. Good work Harry. Bring him in please.”
With that hurry grunted happily and hurried out the door. A few minutes later Harry and another mutant came in with big man with a smooth metal casing around his whole body. The casing was gleaming in the light and looked like it could withstand a 200-megaton blast.
“What’s your name?” Inquired Lou?
“My name is None. I presume YOU are this Lou I hear so much about.” The man answered boldly.
Whoever the hell this guy is, he’s got some fucking balls. It’s not lookin good for both of us.
The man looked over at Ash and saw the dried blood all over his face.
“Who’s he?” Asked None.
“He’s a…project. Kind of like you are going to be.” Said Lou. “Let’s get down to business. We know you’re from a vault. We’re close to tracking it down. But you could save us a lot of time just by telling us.” Said Lou.
“But I if tell you Lou, that would take all the fun out of it.” Snickered None.
Lou began to get angry. “Listen you little shit. You WILL tell me where that vault is. And I’m not afraid to beat it out of you.”
Behind Lou, Ash could see someone in a dark purple robe walking towards them. But whoever it was, he too small to be a mutant. The robed figure was talking into a large green radio.
“Sir, team one is under fire. It sounds like The Brotherhood. 3 men down, we’re sending reinforcements.”
“Dammit! Send teams six, seven, and eight. Nobody gets in this compound!” Lou commanded.
Brotherhood, thought Ash. I didn’t even think those guys existed.
“Ok.” Said Lou. “This is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna-” He was cut off with a loud explosion that shook the place making everyone in the room fall to the ground.
Lou growled with fury. He looked at None to see him grinning proudly. Lou stormed to a wall of lockers, opened one and grabbed a large weapon similar to the one the mutant to his left held.
None saw Lou and drew is own weapon. He took aim and fired 3 fiery green shots at Lou but all missed. The green balls of energy smacked the lockers and computers behind Lou and made them dance with explosions and sparks. Lou fired a shot at None that barley missed his left ear. None turned and fired 2 shots in Ash’s direction and ran down the hall followed by Lou.. The first shot hit the mutant to the right, making a clean decapitation of the mutant. The second shot hit the mutant to the left of Ash Square in the chest. The green ball of energy consumed the mutant’s entire, body leaving it black and mangled. Both mutant corpses hit the ground at the same time. Ash reacted quickly, grabbing the heavy machine gun one mutant had held and headed down the hall.
When Ash got to where the action was, he could see None crouching behind some computers firing aimlessly at Lou. Lou was around another corner shooting back at None. More mutants were coming to reinforce Lou. Ash took aim and opened fire. Ash’s weapon sent a wave of bullets towards the mutants, dropping 3 of them. Lou caught a bullet in the left shoulder and ducked out of site. Lou popped back up and took a shot at Ash. As the green ball came flying towards Ash, he dove on his belly and returned fire back on Lou. More mutants began flowing that way.
“We gotta get the hell out of here!” Yelled None. “The exit is that way!” He pointed past Ash.
“Let’s go!” Hollered Ash. “I’ll cover ya!”
With that, None got up and bolted towards Ash. Ash continued laying down fire on Lou and the other mutants there. One mutant ran forward with an RPG. Ash knew it was time to go. He got up made a dash down the hallway. He looked back to see None following him close behind.
The explosion knocked him off his feet and sent him sliding 10 feet across the floor. He jumped to his feet and looked back to see what happened. He saw None laying face down. There was a large pile of debris behind him. Ash ran back and grabbed hold None. He begin to pull, only to realize that the weight of None’s armor weighed 3 times as much as his body. Discouraged he grabbed None by the bicep and shook violently.
“C’mon man get up! Get up, we got to get out of here!”
None moaned loudly and began to get up. Ash used all his strength to jerk him to his feet.
“This way.” Said None. He ran to the elevator and pushed the button.
The door slid open and a 7”1’, 350 pound mutant stood before them.
“Shit.” They said in unison.
The mutant looked down and stared at them. He grabbed both by the neck and lifted them off the ground. Struggling to breathe, Ash reached into his boot and grabbed knife. With a quick jab, he stuck the knife in the side of the mutant’s neck. The mutant screamed in agony and dropped to his knees. Bright red blood spewed out of the mutant’s neck. Ash and None jumped in the elevator and None pushed the button for level 1.
The doors slid open and 5 men with the same armor as None stood before them.
“We’ve cleared out the first level. Any sign of the Master?” Said the lead soldier.
“I don’t know.” Replied None. “You didn’t give me enough time. One thing is for sure. This is where they build their forces. They have the same technology here as we do at headquarters. I also saw where they make the actual mutants. We’re gonna have to take this place out. Guard all the elevators and make sure nothing gets out. Set charges all over this top level. I want there to be any possible entrances or exits. Is that understood?”
“Yes sir.”
The seven of them stood outside, 300 yard away from the base.
“Everything set?” Asked None.
“Yes sir.”
With a flip of a switch, the walls of the base blew outward and the roof collapsed down in a cloud of dust and debris.
“Hey, thanks for saving my ass.” Said None “What’s your name pal?”
“I’m Ash.” He said, extending his hand.
None took his hand and shook it. “You should be in the Brotherhood. Soldiers like you are hard to find.”
The End
Sure Ash could have joined the Brotherhood. He could have fought raiders and mutants. He could of saved towns and upheld justice. He could have been king.
But in a way, he already was king.