Vault Fossil

Ash winced as the sun gleamed off the pistol into his eyes. The 6 foot 4 Caucasian, with a cut-off leather jacket and huge freaking arms, was pointing a nickel-plated 357 magnum Desert Eagle into Ash’s face. This is it, I’m dead, thought Ash. And what would you expect? The wasteland is a bitch. A thought that had went through his brain about 247 times in his entire life. The man was now rummaging through Ash’s car looking for valuables. I can probably take this guy, Ash thought. Most raiders traveled in-groups making it a helluva lot harder to stop them. One lonely raider couldn’t be THAT much trouble but then again he was holding the gun, not Ash.
Ash’s body began to take control as Adrenaline began flowing. His mind preparing for battle Ash waited for his opportunity to strike. Waiting for the moment but not finding it Ash decided to test Mr. Raider’s reflexes and swung is arm and felt his knuckles dig into the raider’s cheek. Shocked and stumbling for control of his body the raider began to raise his weapon preparing to take Ash’s life. Then Ash showed the raider how he could make his body snap like a whip as he drove his shoulder into the raider’s gall bladder. As both bodies hit the ground the raider finally dropped his shiny toy. The raider, gasping for air, got in 5 breaths before his teeth met the bottom of Ash’s boot. The Desert Eagle now in Ash’s hands lit up 3 times putting the unfortunate raider to sleep.
Ash always wanted some brass knuckles. What a pleasant gift from the stiff corpse. Among the other things Ash received from Mr. Raider were 2 cans of Pet Chow dog food, A new pair of boots, Some gasoline from the Motor Cycle the dude was riding, and of course a new piece of hardware: the Desert Eagle 357 magnum. Sure beats the shit out of the Jennings 9 millimeter Ash was currently using for defense.
With a turn the key Ash’s car roared to life as he drove off. He had lost some time from that damn raider and was a few hours behind schedule. He could hear New California Republic district 156 calling his name. Soft bed, a couple Nuka-Cola’s maybe a trip to the bathhouse, it was paradise in the middle of the desert.
Ash realized that it wasn’t quite time to relax. He could make out 2 silhouettes about a mile and a half behind him. Probably friends of the raider he jacked. Ash was grateful for being in a 1970 Ford Falcon as he slowly pushed the accelerator to the floor. It was now dark outside and Ash could make out the lights of the New California Republic. The lights of the city made it look like some kind of desert wonderland. Except Alice probably mutated into a horrible monster from all the radiation. He pulled up to the gate quickly flashing his NCR clearance card to the guard controlling the gate.
“There were a couple of motorcycles about 3 or 4 miles behind me. Keep your eyes open will ya?”
“No problem buddy, that’s what they pay me for.”
Ash parked his car and headed for the door of the local bar “The Titty Twister”. He ordered bourbon on the rocks and slapped a morningstar script on the counter.
He scoped out the bar and couldn’t help but notice a very cute little desert bunny sitting across the room from him. He was talking to some guy who looked like gang trash. Ash wished that guy would leave or do something stupid so he could move in on this girl.
As he was staring at the couple, medium sized man wearing leather football equipment slowly approached Ash.
“Hey asshole, buy me a drink.” He laughed as 2 of his friends came over to back him up.
“I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” Ash replied.
“Oh really?” Joked the dirty little man. “Well who are you then?”
“The names Ash. Remember it.”
“Well Ash, I’d like you to meet my friends here.” He snickered. “This is Snap, and this is Crackle.”
“I guess that would make you pop right? Come get some.”
Ash grabbed his empty glass and smashed it against the side of Pop’s head. Pop immediately collapsed. Snap Charged Ash making a beautiful open field tackle sending both bodies crashing over a table. Ash, hardly phased, jumped up just quick enough to give the advancing Crackle a right to the jaw sending him staggering backwards. Snap back on his feet now had an empty bottle in his hand. He brought the bottle down on the counter transforming it into a jagged weapon.
A loud explosion stopped all 3 brawlers at once. Standing in the doorway was a tall black man wielding a Remington 12-gauge shotgun. He was wearing a black trench coat and a small copper star on his breast pocket.
“What in the hell is going on here?” The sheriff barked. “Whatchyo name son?” He said pointing at Ash.
“I’m Ash. Who are you?”
“I’m Sheriff Walker mother fucker! I’m the law in this town. And you are in direct violation of ordinance 104: No fighting in city limits.”
“And you Luis, I’ve had enough of your shit. Get out of my town.”
“But sheriff-“ he was cut off as the sheriff pumped the shotgun loading another shell into the barrel. There was dead silence as the previously used shell hit the floor.
“Take your fuckin cronies too.”
All 3 men walked slowly out of the bar when Luis turned to Ash.
“Don’t worry darlin, we ain’t done with you yet.”
Ash waved to them as they were escorted by 2 other police officers out the gate.
“Come with me son.” Sheriff said as he cuffed ash’s hands behind his back. They walked down the street to the police station.
“I’m not a bad guy man, really. I was just trying to relax when those 3 guys came over to start some shit. I’m just in town to you know, relax for a while.”
“I’m sorry man but laws are laws. Don’t worry I just got to lock you up for 1 night.”
2 hours later Ash was sitting on the cold metal bench in the jail cell. The Sheriff was chewing loudly on an iguana on a stick while he read a magazine. Ash closed his eyes and was almost asleep when the Sheriff’s radio sputtered to life.
“Sheriff we got trouble! We’ve spotted a group of raiders about 1 mile out and coming fast! We’re gonna try and hold them off but sound the alarm. It’d be a good idea to get the townsfolk on the alert.”
“Son of a bitch!” cried Sheriff Walker. He grabbed his shotgun and some shells and headed to the door.
“Wait!” Yelled Ash. “I can help. I know how to fight and I got a gun in my car.”
“Alright.” Complied the Sheriff. “I’m trusting you, you better not do anything stupid.”
He unlocked the cell and the 2 men ran out the door headed for the gate. Ash stopped at his car and grabbed both his pistols.
He turned around just in time to see the pickup truck crash through the gates followed by 5 motorcycles. One gunned the engine and sped off towards Ash. When the raider got close Ash drew out his Desert Eagle and his Jennings 9 millimeter and put 5 bundles of joy into the raider’s chest immediately dropping the raider from the bike. Ash grabbed the bike and headed towards the pickup, which had now stopped. The driver donning Combat armor was mowing down police officers with his Ak-47 assault rifle. Ash put the bike into full throttle heading strait for the raider. Ash ducked off the bike moments before the half-ton piece of iron went crashing strait through the raider, pinning him to the pickup. It didn’t matter that the raider was pinned between the motorcycle and the truck because his body crushed beyond recognition.
One of the cyclists still alive was speeding towards an NCR police officer. When he got within 10 feet of the peace officer, his face met the butt of Sheriff Walker’s shotgun. The sheriff grabbed the moaning raider by the collar of his shirt, and put the shotgun up to his temple. The raider’s head dismembered into the air spraying bright red everywhere. The sheriff stared at the smoke coming from the barrel of his shotgun, before pumping it and taking aim at another raider. The buckshot hit the raider in the shoulder, knocking much skins and bone off the raider’s arm. The pain was too much for him and he collapsed falling off the bike into a pool of his own blood.
The 2 remaining raiders on bikes saw their fallen comrades and decided to retreat. The sped off into the open desert. Ash was still on the ground. His whole body hurt like hell. He knew he shouldn’t have jumped off a motorcycle going full speed. As different parts of his body started to go numb he hoped to god that he wasn’t injured too bad. Not too many people can perform surgery these days. Then Ash’s mind seem to relax and his eyes closed.
He awoke in a comfortable bed. He looked around. He must be in a hotel room or something. He took a bath with the water provided for him and got dressed. He left his room and went to the front desk.
“Hey honey,” He greeted the owner. “How much do I owe ya?”
“Sheriff Walker paid for your room.” She smiled back at him.
“Oh, did he? Cool.” His mind wandered and he remembered his Desert Eagle. “Say, do you have any 357 magnum rounds?”
“It just so happens that I do. I can give ya 40 rounds for 20 bucks.”
“Deal.” Said Ash as he dug in his pocket and slapped the money on the counter.
After taking his bullets he headed down the street to talk to the sheriff. He opened the door and walked over to where the Sheriff was sitting.
“Sit down son. I been expecting you. Listen, I need a good fighter like you. Not too many people of your ingenuity, shall we say, come around these parts and I’d like to take advantage of your stay. Those raiders that attacked yesterday have been giving us hell for about 8 months now. I know that we crippled them last night by taking out 4 of them. Our intelligence tells us that the dude in the Combat armor was one of their best. Now here’s the deal. I’m sending a team out to take care of those bastards. I want you to go with them. When you get back, you’ll have some food, some gas, some supplies and a shotgun. Sound good? You in or not?”
Ash sat quietly looking the Sheriff in the eye. “All right Sheriff. I’ll do it for you.”
5 hours later he was riding a motorcycle previously ridden by one of the raiders that had attacked the city. Along the side of him were 3 others on motorcycles and 1 other officer driving in an old sedan. The Sheriff had told him earlier that a scout team had spotted the exact site of the raiders. “Another One Bites the Dust” was playing loudly on the stereo of the old sedan. His shoulder stung like a bitch from his spill on the bike yesterday. Off in the distance Ash could spot what seemed to be a caravan.
As he got closer he and the rest of the group came to the conclusion that this was the weirdest fucking caravan they had ever seen. The creatures were 8 feet tall and looked to way at least 500 pounds each. They looked somewhat human forms, they had 2 legs, 2 arms, a head and hair. Their skin was very bright. They were very muscular, their arms were the size of Ash’s entire body.
Ash stopped the car when he was about 50 yards from them. He instructed the others to wait there for him. As he walked in for a closer looked he felt something crunch under his foot. Sticking on the bottom of his boot was a small human finger. He kept walking, the mutants did not notice him, and they appeared to be eating. Ash noticed blood ran down their arms and mouths. Ash couldn’t tell how many bodies had been mutilated on the ground. There were bloody arms and legs all over. The stench of flesh rotting in the wasteland sun caused Ash’s stomach to react as he vomited all over his boots. After he composed himself he walked back to his car and grabbed his shotgun. The others grabbed their weapons too.
“Hey you goopy eyed bastard! Hope your enjoying that human flesh, cause it’s gonna be your last.”
The mutants looked up from their bloody meal. The closest one got up and barred its bloody jagged teeth. It advanced slowly on Ash. Ash raised his weapon and fired putting a buckshot dead into the chest of the monster. The mutant, not noticing the blood running out of the hole in his chest kept coming at Ash. Ash fired 2 more shells into the mutants upper body. The mutant, very annoyed as the pellets ripped the flesh of his body, began to advance Ash quicker than before.
Holy shit thought Ash. I’m fucked, seriously. Running out ideas, he put a buckshot into the mutant’s knee. He pumped and fired again. After 3 shotgun shells to the knee the mutant finally collapsed. He was still breathing but he was definitely incapacitated. At seeing their comrade fall, the other 3 mutants stood and advanced Ash and his men. Ash reloaded his shotgun violently but when he looked up all he saw was the huge fist a mutant. Ash’s body was flung 7 feet into the air as he landed hard on his back.
The 4 Police officers who had survived the raider massacre decided to go after one mutant at a time. Much quicker than the horrible creatures, they surround one mutant firing on all sides of him. After about 18 buckshots the mutants body was nothing but blood, giant white jagged structures that must have been it’s bones. The police officers realized their mistake as another mutant attacked them. The mutant grabbed 2 men by the side of the head. With a loud crack, he smashed both their skulls together. The other 2 watched in horror as their fellow officers’ lifeless bodies dropped to the ground with a sickening thud. One pulled the trigger of his shotgun but was only met by a hopeless click. The other fired his last round at the mutant’s head but the buckshot never met its target. The mutant grabbed an officer shirt, lifting him off the ground. The mutant put his mighty fist strait through the poor man’s brain. When the mutant looked for the last officer he found him on the ground, his eyes shut. The mutant effortlessly brought his foot down on the officer, crushing his body.
Ash got to feet and felt his jaw. It was definitely broken. The mutant that had hit him was advancing once more. He pulled out his desert eagle and emptied it into the mutant’s face. The mutant stopped dead in his tracks. His arms moved up towards his head. His large green fingers felt the bloody mess where his face used to be. Ash, armed with his shotgun now, moved closer. He raised his shotgun to within 5 feet of the mutant’s face. As the iron pellets penetrated the mutant’s brain, the large beast lost control of his knees, which bent back sending him to the dirt.
Ash’s body was then lifted into the air. The last mutant had a very tight grip on Ash’s body as he lifted it above his head. The mutant used his whole body to chuck Ash like a keg of beer. Ash smashed through the windshield of the rusted car that one of the officers had driven.
Ash again woke in a strange place. He was in a room of a place that was way more advanced than anything Ash had ever seen. There was a door but no handle, just an electronic gizmo of some sort. As Ash was examining the contraption, the door slid open and a green arm grabbed ash and jerked him violently out of the room. He was lead to a mutant wearing a white labcoat. This particular mutant had some sort of space age glasses on.
“I hear you took down 3 of our soldiers, very impressive if I do say so myself.”
“Who the fuck are you man? You know what, I don’t even want to know. Just fucking kill me.”
“Kill you? Oh no we have plans for a man of your ingenuity.”
Fucking ingenuity, Ash thought. I wonder where the hell I am.
“Pleased to meet you. I’m the lieutenant, my soldiers call me Lou. I’m second in command of the mutant army that’s going to take over the world. You’re a good fighter. When you become a mutant you’ll be in very high command. You’ll be one of the soldiers that help conquer the world.”
“No way in hell I’m helping you fucking wackjobs. Am I really supposed to buy this shit?”
“We’ll talk about that later my friend. First, let my give you the tour. We’ll start over here, with the VAT ROOM.”
Ash’s body began to take control as Adrenaline began flowing. His mind preparing for battle Ash waited for his opportunity to strike. Waiting for the moment but not finding it Ash decided to test Mr. Raider’s reflexes and swung is arm and felt his knuckles dig into the raider’s cheek. Shocked and stumbling for control of his body the raider began to raise his weapon preparing to take Ash’s life. Then Ash showed the raider how he could make his body snap like a whip as he drove his shoulder into the raider’s gall bladder. As both bodies hit the ground the raider finally dropped his shiny toy. The raider, gasping for air, got in 5 breaths before his teeth met the bottom of Ash’s boot. The Desert Eagle now in Ash’s hands lit up 3 times putting the unfortunate raider to sleep.
Ash always wanted some brass knuckles. What a pleasant gift from the stiff corpse. Among the other things Ash received from Mr. Raider were 2 cans of Pet Chow dog food, A new pair of boots, Some gasoline from the Motor Cycle the dude was riding, and of course a new piece of hardware: the Desert Eagle 357 magnum. Sure beats the shit out of the Jennings 9 millimeter Ash was currently using for defense.
With a turn the key Ash’s car roared to life as he drove off. He had lost some time from that damn raider and was a few hours behind schedule. He could hear New California Republic district 156 calling his name. Soft bed, a couple Nuka-Cola’s maybe a trip to the bathhouse, it was paradise in the middle of the desert.
Ash realized that it wasn’t quite time to relax. He could make out 2 silhouettes about a mile and a half behind him. Probably friends of the raider he jacked. Ash was grateful for being in a 1970 Ford Falcon as he slowly pushed the accelerator to the floor. It was now dark outside and Ash could make out the lights of the New California Republic. The lights of the city made it look like some kind of desert wonderland. Except Alice probably mutated into a horrible monster from all the radiation. He pulled up to the gate quickly flashing his NCR clearance card to the guard controlling the gate.
“There were a couple of motorcycles about 3 or 4 miles behind me. Keep your eyes open will ya?”
“No problem buddy, that’s what they pay me for.”
Ash parked his car and headed for the door of the local bar “The Titty Twister”. He ordered bourbon on the rocks and slapped a morningstar script on the counter.
He scoped out the bar and couldn’t help but notice a very cute little desert bunny sitting across the room from him. He was talking to some guy who looked like gang trash. Ash wished that guy would leave or do something stupid so he could move in on this girl.
As he was staring at the couple, medium sized man wearing leather football equipment slowly approached Ash.
“Hey asshole, buy me a drink.” He laughed as 2 of his friends came over to back him up.
“I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else.” Ash replied.
“Oh really?” Joked the dirty little man. “Well who are you then?”
“The names Ash. Remember it.”
“Well Ash, I’d like you to meet my friends here.” He snickered. “This is Snap, and this is Crackle.”
“I guess that would make you pop right? Come get some.”
Ash grabbed his empty glass and smashed it against the side of Pop’s head. Pop immediately collapsed. Snap Charged Ash making a beautiful open field tackle sending both bodies crashing over a table. Ash, hardly phased, jumped up just quick enough to give the advancing Crackle a right to the jaw sending him staggering backwards. Snap back on his feet now had an empty bottle in his hand. He brought the bottle down on the counter transforming it into a jagged weapon.
A loud explosion stopped all 3 brawlers at once. Standing in the doorway was a tall black man wielding a Remington 12-gauge shotgun. He was wearing a black trench coat and a small copper star on his breast pocket.
“What in the hell is going on here?” The sheriff barked. “Whatchyo name son?” He said pointing at Ash.
“I’m Ash. Who are you?”
“I’m Sheriff Walker mother fucker! I’m the law in this town. And you are in direct violation of ordinance 104: No fighting in city limits.”
“And you Luis, I’ve had enough of your shit. Get out of my town.”
“But sheriff-“ he was cut off as the sheriff pumped the shotgun loading another shell into the barrel. There was dead silence as the previously used shell hit the floor.
“Take your fuckin cronies too.”
All 3 men walked slowly out of the bar when Luis turned to Ash.
“Don’t worry darlin, we ain’t done with you yet.”
Ash waved to them as they were escorted by 2 other police officers out the gate.
“Come with me son.” Sheriff said as he cuffed ash’s hands behind his back. They walked down the street to the police station.
“I’m not a bad guy man, really. I was just trying to relax when those 3 guys came over to start some shit. I’m just in town to you know, relax for a while.”
“I’m sorry man but laws are laws. Don’t worry I just got to lock you up for 1 night.”
2 hours later Ash was sitting on the cold metal bench in the jail cell. The Sheriff was chewing loudly on an iguana on a stick while he read a magazine. Ash closed his eyes and was almost asleep when the Sheriff’s radio sputtered to life.
“Sheriff we got trouble! We’ve spotted a group of raiders about 1 mile out and coming fast! We’re gonna try and hold them off but sound the alarm. It’d be a good idea to get the townsfolk on the alert.”
“Son of a bitch!” cried Sheriff Walker. He grabbed his shotgun and some shells and headed to the door.
“Wait!” Yelled Ash. “I can help. I know how to fight and I got a gun in my car.”
“Alright.” Complied the Sheriff. “I’m trusting you, you better not do anything stupid.”
He unlocked the cell and the 2 men ran out the door headed for the gate. Ash stopped at his car and grabbed both his pistols.
He turned around just in time to see the pickup truck crash through the gates followed by 5 motorcycles. One gunned the engine and sped off towards Ash. When the raider got close Ash drew out his Desert Eagle and his Jennings 9 millimeter and put 5 bundles of joy into the raider’s chest immediately dropping the raider from the bike. Ash grabbed the bike and headed towards the pickup, which had now stopped. The driver donning Combat armor was mowing down police officers with his Ak-47 assault rifle. Ash put the bike into full throttle heading strait for the raider. Ash ducked off the bike moments before the half-ton piece of iron went crashing strait through the raider, pinning him to the pickup. It didn’t matter that the raider was pinned between the motorcycle and the truck because his body crushed beyond recognition.
One of the cyclists still alive was speeding towards an NCR police officer. When he got within 10 feet of the peace officer, his face met the butt of Sheriff Walker’s shotgun. The sheriff grabbed the moaning raider by the collar of his shirt, and put the shotgun up to his temple. The raider’s head dismembered into the air spraying bright red everywhere. The sheriff stared at the smoke coming from the barrel of his shotgun, before pumping it and taking aim at another raider. The buckshot hit the raider in the shoulder, knocking much skins and bone off the raider’s arm. The pain was too much for him and he collapsed falling off the bike into a pool of his own blood.
The 2 remaining raiders on bikes saw their fallen comrades and decided to retreat. The sped off into the open desert. Ash was still on the ground. His whole body hurt like hell. He knew he shouldn’t have jumped off a motorcycle going full speed. As different parts of his body started to go numb he hoped to god that he wasn’t injured too bad. Not too many people can perform surgery these days. Then Ash’s mind seem to relax and his eyes closed.
He awoke in a comfortable bed. He looked around. He must be in a hotel room or something. He took a bath with the water provided for him and got dressed. He left his room and went to the front desk.
“Hey honey,” He greeted the owner. “How much do I owe ya?”
“Sheriff Walker paid for your room.” She smiled back at him.
“Oh, did he? Cool.” His mind wandered and he remembered his Desert Eagle. “Say, do you have any 357 magnum rounds?”
“It just so happens that I do. I can give ya 40 rounds for 20 bucks.”
“Deal.” Said Ash as he dug in his pocket and slapped the money on the counter.
After taking his bullets he headed down the street to talk to the sheriff. He opened the door and walked over to where the Sheriff was sitting.
“Sit down son. I been expecting you. Listen, I need a good fighter like you. Not too many people of your ingenuity, shall we say, come around these parts and I’d like to take advantage of your stay. Those raiders that attacked yesterday have been giving us hell for about 8 months now. I know that we crippled them last night by taking out 4 of them. Our intelligence tells us that the dude in the Combat armor was one of their best. Now here’s the deal. I’m sending a team out to take care of those bastards. I want you to go with them. When you get back, you’ll have some food, some gas, some supplies and a shotgun. Sound good? You in or not?”
Ash sat quietly looking the Sheriff in the eye. “All right Sheriff. I’ll do it for you.”
5 hours later he was riding a motorcycle previously ridden by one of the raiders that had attacked the city. Along the side of him were 3 others on motorcycles and 1 other officer driving in an old sedan. The Sheriff had told him earlier that a scout team had spotted the exact site of the raiders. “Another One Bites the Dust” was playing loudly on the stereo of the old sedan. His shoulder stung like a bitch from his spill on the bike yesterday. Off in the distance Ash could spot what seemed to be a caravan.
As he got closer he and the rest of the group came to the conclusion that this was the weirdest fucking caravan they had ever seen. The creatures were 8 feet tall and looked to way at least 500 pounds each. They looked somewhat human forms, they had 2 legs, 2 arms, a head and hair. Their skin was very bright. They were very muscular, their arms were the size of Ash’s entire body.
Ash stopped the car when he was about 50 yards from them. He instructed the others to wait there for him. As he walked in for a closer looked he felt something crunch under his foot. Sticking on the bottom of his boot was a small human finger. He kept walking, the mutants did not notice him, and they appeared to be eating. Ash noticed blood ran down their arms and mouths. Ash couldn’t tell how many bodies had been mutilated on the ground. There were bloody arms and legs all over. The stench of flesh rotting in the wasteland sun caused Ash’s stomach to react as he vomited all over his boots. After he composed himself he walked back to his car and grabbed his shotgun. The others grabbed their weapons too.
“Hey you goopy eyed bastard! Hope your enjoying that human flesh, cause it’s gonna be your last.”
The mutants looked up from their bloody meal. The closest one got up and barred its bloody jagged teeth. It advanced slowly on Ash. Ash raised his weapon and fired putting a buckshot dead into the chest of the monster. The mutant, not noticing the blood running out of the hole in his chest kept coming at Ash. Ash fired 2 more shells into the mutants upper body. The mutant, very annoyed as the pellets ripped the flesh of his body, began to advance Ash quicker than before.
Holy shit thought Ash. I’m fucked, seriously. Running out ideas, he put a buckshot into the mutant’s knee. He pumped and fired again. After 3 shotgun shells to the knee the mutant finally collapsed. He was still breathing but he was definitely incapacitated. At seeing their comrade fall, the other 3 mutants stood and advanced Ash and his men. Ash reloaded his shotgun violently but when he looked up all he saw was the huge fist a mutant. Ash’s body was flung 7 feet into the air as he landed hard on his back.
The 4 Police officers who had survived the raider massacre decided to go after one mutant at a time. Much quicker than the horrible creatures, they surround one mutant firing on all sides of him. After about 18 buckshots the mutants body was nothing but blood, giant white jagged structures that must have been it’s bones. The police officers realized their mistake as another mutant attacked them. The mutant grabbed 2 men by the side of the head. With a loud crack, he smashed both their skulls together. The other 2 watched in horror as their fellow officers’ lifeless bodies dropped to the ground with a sickening thud. One pulled the trigger of his shotgun but was only met by a hopeless click. The other fired his last round at the mutant’s head but the buckshot never met its target. The mutant grabbed an officer shirt, lifting him off the ground. The mutant put his mighty fist strait through the poor man’s brain. When the mutant looked for the last officer he found him on the ground, his eyes shut. The mutant effortlessly brought his foot down on the officer, crushing his body.
Ash got to feet and felt his jaw. It was definitely broken. The mutant that had hit him was advancing once more. He pulled out his desert eagle and emptied it into the mutant’s face. The mutant stopped dead in his tracks. His arms moved up towards his head. His large green fingers felt the bloody mess where his face used to be. Ash, armed with his shotgun now, moved closer. He raised his shotgun to within 5 feet of the mutant’s face. As the iron pellets penetrated the mutant’s brain, the large beast lost control of his knees, which bent back sending him to the dirt.
Ash’s body was then lifted into the air. The last mutant had a very tight grip on Ash’s body as he lifted it above his head. The mutant used his whole body to chuck Ash like a keg of beer. Ash smashed through the windshield of the rusted car that one of the officers had driven.
Ash again woke in a strange place. He was in a room of a place that was way more advanced than anything Ash had ever seen. There was a door but no handle, just an electronic gizmo of some sort. As Ash was examining the contraption, the door slid open and a green arm grabbed ash and jerked him violently out of the room. He was lead to a mutant wearing a white labcoat. This particular mutant had some sort of space age glasses on.
“I hear you took down 3 of our soldiers, very impressive if I do say so myself.”
“Who the fuck are you man? You know what, I don’t even want to know. Just fucking kill me.”
“Kill you? Oh no we have plans for a man of your ingenuity.”
Fucking ingenuity, Ash thought. I wonder where the hell I am.
“Pleased to meet you. I’m the lieutenant, my soldiers call me Lou. I’m second in command of the mutant army that’s going to take over the world. You’re a good fighter. When you become a mutant you’ll be in very high command. You’ll be one of the soldiers that help conquer the world.”
“No way in hell I’m helping you fucking wackjobs. Am I really supposed to buy this shit?”
“We’ll talk about that later my friend. First, let my give you the tour. We’ll start over here, with the VAT ROOM.”