Ashes of Apocalypse First Trailer


Night Watchman
Staff member
Not really a Fallout 3 preview, but if you're wondering what might a Bethesda's engine powered PA game have looked like, you could visit Ashes of Apocalypse - a post-apocalyptic mod for Morrowind in the making:<blockquote>Ashes of Apocalypse is set in the year 2069, where the earth is a sprawling nuclear wasteland. Its resources quenched to the last drop and unrest over the horizon. Leaders of nations came together on one last solution to save themselves by authorizing the use of nuclear weapons causing clouds of radiation over enemy cities. These warheads not only killed everyone in their vicinity but launched off a period of chaos known as the Radion Wars.

The last patches of these people built barrier cities to protect themselves from a new enemy. Shamblers of the ever vast wastelands that now reach as far as the eye can see. These two sets of people remain in search of ways to wipe each other out.

You awaken from a nuke that has just hit your barrier city and escape to the wastelands into a world full of choices. Do you join the people of the wasteland? Do you find one of the last remaining barrier cities? Or do you side with no one seeking your own ends? There is so many choices that are up to you in this world of post-apocalyptic freedom. Chose wisely...</blockquote>Check it out, they've gotten some new wallpapers and artwork recently, and the promised trailer is to be found here.

Link: Ashes of Apocalypse
Hmmm... when I see trailer I think ingame footage. Instead a I get some news clips from 70's or 80's riots, I think. If the game is about after the bomb, why make a trailer exclusive to before the bomb... with the occassional actual bomb going off. Hmmm...
I suppose it has to follow the modern advertising standard, where you show shitloads of CGI but absolutely zero gameplay.
Roshambo said:
I suppose it has to follow the modern advertising standard, where you show shitloads of CGI but absolutely zero gameplay.

That is so true and I can't stand it. I can't tell you how many times my jaw has dropped at the new graphical standards about to be achieved by games... then to wise up and realize its just a CGI sequence, of which there is probably only one of in the beginning. I almost don't want to say it, but I immediately think games that don't show you ingame footage with their trailers are hiding something. Even though in cases like most RTS games, its because actual gameplay isn't exciting to watch, regardless of whether its fun to play.
Pender said:
I believe its called advertising?

Yeah, but it used to be informative. Commercial advertising used to actually tell you something about the product, and show it in action. That's why old commercials were so much longer. For games that means ingame footage, not crap pulled together by the morons in marketing. Slick ad campaigns are nice but entirely useless to us if they don't actually tell or show us anything other than "Hey look at our ubercool cg that doesn't represent anything near actual gameplay but it's ubercool so buy our crap."

Anyone notice how dead the screenshots look? I know that's kind of how a nuclear wasteland should look, but it doesn't seem like there's enough stuff lying around like old cars and buildings. I guess I mean they look plain.
Even forgeting about whether or not its informative... this "trailer" just has absolutely nothing to do with a Morrowind PA mod, or at least no link I can make. Its like instead of drawing concept art, they made of video of news clips. I mean, supposedly CG sequences "set the mood", so they serve some limited purpose. This shows a bunch of people upset with authority.
I guess it's what they're going to have as an intro movie.

Was kind of heavily dissapointed too. :|
Isn't that a double negative? What do I know, I'm just a Newbie....*sob* :cry: