Ashes of Apocalypse On The Move

At first I figured the rumor of SOE's revamp of Star Wars Galaxies was a hoax, but it seems I was wrong.

Seriously, what's with those Star Wars buildings? That must be the worst PA architecture I have ever seen, and I have seen plenty of bad PA architecture. In general, environment looks like it was designed by an aesthetically challenged ten-year-old. Why is everything so blocky and clean? Where is the dirty, gritty look? Where are car wrecks, tires, ruined buildings, debris, toppled transmission towers, tents, ragged peasants and dried trees? Why isn't there any dirt on that road? It's supposed to be a wasteland, for fuck's sake, and I've seen theme parks with a better feel.

Redesign all areas and architecture models pronto.
Where are car wrecks, tires, ruined buildings, debris, toppled transmission towers, tents, ragged peasants and dried trees?

Dude, they're covered by teh sand! Don't you know that post-nuclear wasteland = desert?

I see they still keep their hair in good shape, though. I like that. No, really. I mean... it's innovative!
FeelTheRads said:
Where are car wrecks, tires, ruined buildings, debris, toppled transmission towers, tents, ragged peasants and dried trees?

Dude, they're covered by teh sand! Don't you know that post-nuclear wasteland = desert?

I see they still keep their hair in good shape, though. I like that. No, really. I mean... it's innovative!

I agree with Graz'zt. Desert does not = sand and it takes millenia to bury tiny cities, made of clay and stone, abandoned. If it does not look and feel post-apoc then what is it, Ta'toine (sp), Dune? And who built those walls, what were they built with, who paid whomever, and how were they paid? The construction business is obviously going strong.
Ugh. That looks awful.

And I don't get why game designers seem to think blood behaves like dust or steam, when it leaks out of a body.
It's obvious they're putting all of their time into the graphics, yet they're barely on par with KotOR 2 (and that's being generous to AoA). The mind boggles at just how pathetic the gameplay must be.

The funniest thing of all is that all of their work is going to be wasted once Oblivion is released, due to the fact that nobody in their right mind will want to download a obviously half-assed TC for a game pushing four years of age, running on a decrepit engine which has been outdated for more than two years.

Summary: The gameplay will be terrible, which means they'll lose their supposed target audience. The graphics are laughable, which means the ADHD FPS-kiddies won't be interested (not that they were in the first place). What a joke. Hey Bethsoft, you should license this mod. Experience the failure, without the work!