Ashes of Apocalypse Update and Voting


Night Watchman
Staff member
Ashes of Apocalypse has had an update and is promising the first release this year:<blockquote>It has been awhile since the last progress report, but I have some good news for you all. The first release of AoA is coming this month! I can't give a specific date yet. The first release still has a lot of things missing or not done in it, but it will be very playable. In the following months after the release, updates will be released that will further develop the game. It will be an ever continuing process that will keep your game growing weekly or monthly.</blockquote>There are a few new screens:<blockquote><center>
</center></blockquote>And a final bit:<blockquote>The Mod of the Year Awards voting has started at Mod DB. We would appreciate your vote, visit the AoA profile page and click on Vote for this Mod Now! Thanks for your support!</blockquote>Links: Ashes of Apocalypse site, Ashes of Apocalypse profile page
the links! the links are linked to the thumbs!
I see no one at the Star Wars: Ashes of the Apocalypse team took my advice to heart and redesigned the graphics from the ground up.

Silencer said:
The Mod of the Year Awards voting has started at Mod DB. We would appreciate your vote, visit the AoA profile page and click on Vote for this Mod Now!
Ha! That'll be the day!
It's easy for you to say start from the ground up, but the actual process to do so is a lot of work. We like the current look and style of AoA. You have to understand AoA is not based on any of the Fallout games nor Star Wars. AoA takes place in the year 2092, advanced technology is still around in some places. This is why you may get the feel of Star Wars. Last time I checked we don't have Jawas running around. Did Star Wars also have P90's and AK47's?

Thanks for your advice though.
Clone said:
You have to understand AoA is not based on any of the Fallout games

You just lost my coverage (j/k)

Clone said:
advanced technology is still around in some places. This is why you may get the feel of Star Wars.

Admit it, Clone, it's just beacause PA environment is inherently difficult to recreate in Morrowind's engine? ;)
It was difficult to make everything Silencer, especially since we had to start from scratch. Since NukeouT left, we have no modeler that has time to make new buildings. The only team we have right now makes armor and weapons every other month. I myself can't model, so I build this world with what resources I have. It is very hard to make the PA environment on a game engine that was originally used for a fantasy setting.

If you compare to past screens, the textures have been improved greatly. NukeouT made some excellent models so I'm not just going to throw them all away and have to create all new stuff.

If you actually gave advice of stuff we could do, instead of saying to remake everything.
The textures look very bland. Surely it's not a such a problem to spray some dirt and dust on them. Same goes for metal objects. They don't look PA at all - apply a bit filth and rust. Areas look overall too clean and desperately need some ruins and debris. I want to see devastated buildings, rusty old transmission towers, car wrecks... you know, stuff one normally expects to find in a nuked America (though judging by characters' hairdos, the game probably takes place in Japan).

About models: there are hundreds of free models to be found out there. I doubt no one in the world ever thought of modelling a car wreck or a ruin and then posting it on the Internet for everyone to download.
Clone it is a good effort.

I think the character skins look fine, some of the ground and mountain textures need to be higher res/cleaned up, Graz'zt made good suggestions.

The placed lighting seems to make the ground appear worse too