Ashworld mmorpg.

It pretty stupid thou slightly fun. There needs to be quests or something to do plus non combat areas so you're not camped as you join(1 mintute killed by someone with a spear, I had no gear and no chance). Heavy Metal War did it much better.
Oh, fuck...they even have such unbelievable horseshit on their site:

And in a little office at the game development company, Origin, a man thought about making his dreamlike fantasy world, a true real-time reality.

Quaint idea, but no.

The Ultima series had been emmensely popular amoung avid PC role players, due to its in-depth characters, vivid storyline and non-linear gameplay. A total of up to 11 successful single-player Ultima games were released, plus a few spinoffs on the side, including one on the Apple IIe named Akalabeth.

This says nothing else other than "we ripped off part of a MUD history site for sound bites, but we still have no fucking clue".
Give em a break, they're polish. Don't be so hard on people who don't know much about the industry. Other than that, how's the game?
The Overseer said:
Give em a break, they're polish. Don't be so hard on people who don't know much about the industry.

I have no respect for those who don't fully bother to research their material before perpetuating ignorance.

Other than that, how's the game?

The rules page seems to be a bit odd, given rule 3 and 4, but other than that, it looks a bit early to start advertising it. It still needs a bit of translating in some parts, and some parts like playable robots and DeathClaws, in Fallout and Fallout 2's setting with FOT graphics and considerations for DeathClaws, makes me cringe.
In other news, I just killed kilus with my bare hands.

This game DOES have it's charms.