I was just thinking - in dialogue mode you got the 'Ask About' option - wtf is that? I mean, you can't get an decent answer to anything? Have one you guys ever successfully asked a question to an NPC?
Maybe you can ask some specific NPC some kind of h4x0r1z1nG question and get some big badass gun.. Or maybe i'll just keep on dreaming
Btw; er der nogen danskere herinde?
I was just thinking - in dialogue mode you got the 'Ask About' option - wtf is that? I mean, you can't get an decent answer to anything? Have one you guys ever successfully asked a question to an NPC?
Maybe you can ask some specific NPC some kind of h4x0r1z1nG question and get some big badass gun.. Or maybe i'll just keep on dreaming
Btw; er der nogen danskere herinde?