Auto Assault interview video

Looking good! To bad i'm already committed to two MMOGs. Anyone know how much this will cost per month?
I've been watching it on the official forums... it should run inbetween 10-15 american PLUS whatever the box price is (probably 45-55 as new games go) This is American money denominations btw.

I think it will be worth it. It looks verry kick @zz. I HIGHLY doont recomend going to the official forums for about a month or 2 though they are kinda hecktic now and they seem to be a little sensitive on what words you use in their forums even thought the game has already been designated "M" for Mature.

I ahve had the words "Hell" and "Daym" edited outa my posts by mod's in there so far so just watch ur 6 and proof read, as when in official forums it REALLY sux to get kicked out. :D

Also I LOVE the in-game shots they showed on that video. Alot higher res than the ones from E3. Lookin better and better :D